US Fixed Income

Invesco Structured Investments

Seeks to add value by identifying value and managing risk across the product and risk spectrum

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Why this strategy

We believe structured investments can provide attractive current income and total return by investing in bonds, which in many cases are secured by real properties and other hard assets. This asset-backed feature provides a source of protection not found in most traditional asset classes. Investing in these asset classes with a deep, experienced team can unlock alpha from multiple sources that is not found in more traditional fixed income strategies.

How we do it

We combine qualitative expertise supported by quantitative methods in a rigorous and systematic framework. Our process integrates disciplined analyses of the macro environment (and its impact on real estate and consumer credit) with rigorous underwriting of loans, originators, and servicers, and future loan performance projections. With multiple sources of return contributing to performance and strong credit research underpinnings, the potential to repeat performance is greatly enhanced.