Tactical asset allocation monthly report
Read our latest analysis that covers market strategy and opportunities across various asset classes.
Our multi-asset strategies team manages or advises $181 billion in global assets.
As of September 30, 2024
We have a deep and experienced team of more than 165 dedicated professionals.
Our key market locations provide local knowledge and global perspective.
Addressing complex investing challenges can’t be solved by simply beating a benchmark. Our team looks across market cycles and asset classes to craft sophisticated, adaptable solutions that are optimized for each client’s specific goals, objectives, and constraints.
A total return strategy that seeks to generate consistent returns in various market environments by investing in multiple asset classes to provide investors with broad economic diversification.
Targets positive absolute return over a full economic cycle with little to no correlation to broader capital markets through active tactical positioning based on directional, factor-based structural defense, and style premia.
Provides a single point access to diverse, high-quality investment strategies designed to help meet investor objectives and target distinct outcomes.
Tactical asset allocation monthly report
Read our latest analysis that covers market strategy and opportunities across various asset classes.
Capital market assumptions
Capital market assumptions (CMAs) – long-term forecasts for the behavior of different asset classes – form the foundation of Invesco’s strategic and tactical asset allocation decisions.
Alternative opportunities
The Alternatives Opportunities quarterly report provides detailed insights on market positioning, fundamental, and valuations across alternative asset classes.
If you're looking for a multi asset partner rather than just a provider, we invite you to connect with one of our multi asset specialists.
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