US Fixed Income

Invesco US Corporate Credit

The Invesco US Corporate Credit strategy targets total return opportunities by investing in investment grade corporate bonds.

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Why this strategy

The Invesco US Corporate Credit strategy’s returns are generated by actively managing a diversified portfolio of primarily fixed rate, investment grade (Baa- or higher), US dollar-denominated corporate bonds. This strategy will selectively invest in below-investment grade (high yield) credit securities (Ba or lower) to enhance yield and total return opportunities. The strategy may also use derivatives and can invest in out-of-index sectors, including US Treasuries and US Agencies. Security selection and sector rotation are the primary sources of relative return, but the strategy will modulate interest rate risk (duration) exposure by maintaining a +/- one-year target duration range versus its benchmark.

How we do It

The US Corporate Credit strategy is actively managed, with a primary focus on sector rotation and security selection. We apply an “all weather” style that strives to capture top-down and bottom-up contributions into corporate credit research, relative value recommendations, and macro views from our global fixed income platform. Our investment process is transparent, and our team prioritizes fluid and efficient decision-making at every stage.