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Since launching in 1999, Invesco QQQ has demonstrated a history of outperformance, typically beating the S&P 500 Index.
Invesco QQQ has delivered strong, consistent returns by investing in the innovators of today and tomorrow.
Returns shown are as of {date}.
Your investment in Invesco QQQ would be worth
if you had invested
in QQQ 10 years ago
Rated in the top 1% of best-performing large-cap growth funds (3 of 369) based on total return over the past 15 years by Lipper, as of December 31, 2024.
2nd-most traded ETF in the US, based on average daily volume traded, as of December 31, 20241
As of December 31, 2024, Invesco QQQ had an overall rating of 5 stars out of 1020 large-cap growth funds for a 10-year period, based on risk-adjusted return.
Invesco QQQ is one of the oldest ETFs—a pioneer in the democratization of investing.
Any reference to a rating, ranking or an award is not a guarantee of future performance and is not constant over time.
Source: Bloomberg L.P., in the US based on average daily volume traded, as of December 31, 2024.
Source: Lipper fund percentile rankings are based on total returns, excluding sales charges and including fees and expenses, and are versus mutual funds, ETFs and funds of funds in the category tracked by Lipper. Source: The Lipper one-year rank 80% (534 of 671), five-year rank 5% (27 of 594), 10-year rank 2% (5 of 470), 15-year rank 1% (3 of 369) as of December 31, 2024.
Morningstar ratings are based on a risk-adjusted return measure that accounts for variation in a fund’s monthly performance, placing more emphasis on the downward variations and rewarding consistent performance. Open-end mutual funds and exchange-traded funds are considered a single population for comparison purposes. Ratings are calculated for funds with at least a three year history. The overall rating is derived from a weighted average of three-, five- and 10-year rating metrics, as applicable, excluding sales charges and including fees and expenses. Had fees not been waived and/or expenses reimbursed currently or in the past, the Morningstar rating would have been lower. The fund received 5 stars for the overall, 5 stars for the three years, 5 stars for the five years and 5 stars for the 10 years. As of December 31, 2024, the fund had an overall rating of 5 Stars out of 1020 funds, 4 Stars out of 1020 funds for the 3-year period, 5 Stars out of 952 funds for the 5-year period and 5 Stars out of 748 funds for the 10-year period, respectively, in the Large Growth category. The top 10% of funds in a category receive five stars, the next 22.5% four stars, the next 35% three stars, the next 22.5% two stars and the bottom 10% one star. Ratings for other share classes may differ due to different performance characteristics. ©2024 Morningstar, Inc. All rights reserved. The information contained herein is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers. It may not be copied or distributed and is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Past performance cannot guarantee comparable future results.
An investor cannot invest directly in an index. The results assume that no cash was added to or assets withdrawn from the Index. Index returns do not represent Fund returns. The Index does not charge management fees or brokerage expenses, nor does the Index lend securities, and no revenues from securities lending were added to the performance shown.
Investment involves risks. The value of investments, and any income from them, will fluctuate. This may partly be the result of changes in exchange rates. Investors may not get back the full amount invested. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Investors should read the relevant prospectus for details, including the risk factors and product features. This material has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission and is issued by Invesco Hong Kong Limited.
There are risks involved with investing in Exchange-traded Funds (“ETFs”), including possible loss of money. Index-based ETFs are not actively managed, and the return of index-based ETFs may not match the return of the Underlying index. Actively managed ETFs do not necessarily seek to replicate the performance of a specific index. Both index-based and actively managed ETFs are subject to risks similar to those of stocks, including those related to short selling and margin maintenance requirements. Ordinary brokerage commissions apply. Equity risk is the risk that the value of equity securities, including common stocks, may fail due to both changes in general economic and political conditions that impact the market as a whole, as well as factors that directly related to a specific company or its industry.
Investments focused in a particular sector, such as technology, are subject to greater risk, and are more greatly impacted by market volatility, than more diversified investments.
The Nasdaq-100® Index comprises the 100 largest non-financial companies traded on the Nasdaq. An investor cannot invest directly in an index.
The sponsor of the Invesco QQQ TrustSM, a unit of investment trust, is Invesco Capital Management LLC. NASDAQ, Nasdaq-100 Index, Nasdaq-100 Index Tracking Stock and QQQ are trade/service marks of The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. and have been licensed for use by Invesco, QQQ's sponsor. NASDAQ makes no representation regarding the advisability of investing in QQQ and makes no warranty and bears no liability with respect to QQQ, the Nasdaq-100 Index, its use or any data included therein.