DC Times

Participant outcomes are driven by 4 key tenets of DC plan management: Plan design, participant engagement, plan governance, and investment strategy.

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  • Plan design
    Plan design

    Tackling taxes in retirement with designated Roth accounts

    Find out ways a Roth option in your DC plan helps participants diversify their future tax liability.

  • Plan design
    Plan design

    Tackling student loan debt

    Employers can help their employees tackle student loan debt by implementing a direct payment program or a SECURE 2.0 student loan retirement matching program.

  • Plan Sponsor Exchange
    Plan Sponsor Exchange

    How Los Angeles County adapted its participant communications strategy during the pandemic

    Read how Los Angeles County adapted to virtual communications during the pandemic, and the approach they take to encourage employees to stay in the DC plan(s) post retirement.

  • Defined contribution
    Defined contribution

    Mind the gap

    Mid-cap equities offer a compelling yet often overlooked opportunity for defined contribution (DC) plans.

  • Investment strategy
    Investment strategy

    Is your fixed income diversified? Rethinking your DC menu with core plus

    Rethinking your dc plan investment menu with core plus fixed income

  • Stable Value
    Stable Value

    Five Key Reasons to Consider Invesco Stable Value

    Invesco’s stable value investment process is focused on managing risk and providing an extremely stable investment experience for participants across a full range of market climates.

  • Investment menu design
    Investment menu design

    Adding Value: Shining a spotlight on large-cap value strategies

    Recent market volatility has refocused attention on large-cap value strategies to help broaden diversification and strengthen potential return outcomes for participants.

  • Investment menu design
    Investment menu design

    How investors can participate in the AI boom

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming entire industries and creating opportunities for investors

  • Investment menu design
    Investment menu design

    25 years in large value equity

    Kevin Holt has been managing large value equity portfolios for 25 years. He reviews what has changed since he started, the current environment, and what’s ahead for large value equity portfolios.

  • Investment menu design
    Investment menu design

    Mind the gap

    DC plan sponsors and their advisors may want to reexamine their mid-cap offerings to help expand on the full potential the asset class offers.

  • Plan governance
    Plan governance

    Loper Bright ruling: Impact on DC plan litigation in a post-Chevron world

    The impact of Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and the potential implications on DC plan litigation in a post-Chevron world.

  • Plan governance
    Plan governance

    ERISA litigation playbook part 1: DC plan governance best practices

    DC plan committees can help reduce litigation risk by establishing and following proper plan governance policies and procedures.

  • Plan governance
    Plan governance

    Making retirement income work part 1: Making decisions

    Fred Reish discusses three steps committees should take when adding retirement income options to their DC plans.

  • Plan governance
    Plan governance

    Making retirement income work part 2: Following a fiduciary process

    Fred Reish covers the fiduciary process and best practices around in-plan retirement income solutions.

  • Plan governance
    Plan governance

    ERISA Litigation Playbook – The best defense is a good offense

    Will the Employee Retirement Income Security Act court cases ever slow down? This actionable checklist can help advisors become more aware of emerging issues.

  • Plan governance
    Plan governance

    Managed accounts: Best practices and fiduciary issues

    What are the best practices for managed accounts for participants and fiduciary issues?

  • Plan governance
    Plan governance

    The value of fiduciary liability insurance

    DC plan fiduciaries should take three steps to protect themselves from the high cost of litigation, including obtaining valuable fiduciary liability insurance.

  • Plan governance
    Plan governance

    Making retirement income work part 4: Providing education and advice

    Fred Reish shares his views ways plan sponsors can help participants turn their DC plan savings into a stream of income in retirement.

  • Plan governance
    Plan governance

    Making retirement income work part 3: Combating inertia with auto-enrollment

    Fred Reish shares his views on adopting an auto-enrollment approach when adding retirement income solutions.

  • Plan governance
    Plan governance

    What the latest DOL ESG proposal means for plan fiduciaries

    Learn about the latest US Department of Labor (DOL) environmental, social and governance (ESG) proposed regulation that governs selection of plan investments.

  • Participant engagement
    Participant engagement

    Getting schooled: Creating a formalized Education Policy Statement

    An education policy statement can help plan sponsors and participants meet the challenges of saving for retirement.

  • Participant engagement
    Participant engagement

    Across the generations: Participant views on retirement income

    How plan sponsors can help every generation create a more secure retirement.

  • Retirement

    Retirement contribution limits and deadlines

    Find important retirement contribution limits and deadlines for small business retirement plans and individual retirement accounts.

  • Participant engagement
    Participant engagement

    Three reasons for retirees to stay in an employer plan

    There are three compelling reasons why retirees may want to consider staying in their employers' plans instead of rolling their assets into an IRA.

  • Participant engagement
    Participant engagement

    The new cyber reality: Helping participants combat cybercrime

    Learn what steps plan sponsors should take to help participants combat cybercrime and protect their retirement plan savings.

  • Participant research
    Participant research

    2024 Defined Contribution Participant Pulse Survey

    We explored how participants think and feel about various aspects of their DC plans, including what keeps them up at night, drivers of investing and savings behavior, language preferences, and retirement income.

  • Participant research
    Participant research

    Jumpstart the retirement income conversation

    In our research, we found three-quarters of plan participants wanted their plan sponsors to start the retirement income conversation earlier.

  • Participant research
    Participant research

    Overcoming fear and inertia

    In our research, we found that a primary financial goal for almost all participants’ DC plan savings was to maintain their pre-retirement lifestyle.

  • Participant research
    Participant research

    Give me reliability and flexibility

    In our research, we found plan participants wanted the feeling of control with the ability to choose from a range of retirement income solutions.

  • Participant research
    Participant research

    Bridging the (income) gap

    In our research, we better understand how much money plan participants actually need at and later in retirement to achieve their retirement goals.

  • Participant research
    Participant research

    Show me the income: Executive Summary

    Our retirement income study highlights key findings on the evolving industry as participants seek guidance turning their DC plan savings into income.

  • Participant research
    Participant research

    Connecting savings with income

    In our research, we found plan sponsors have a significant opportunity to help participants connect savings to retirement income.

Participant research

DC insights Participant research

Our ReDefined Contribution Plans Research Series explores topics ranging from how participants make investment decisions to the language we use to communicate retirement plan benefits.

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