Tax center

Access tax information for your Invesco investments to help you prepare your tax return. If you are looking for your personal tax forms, log into your account to access your personal tax forms or contact Invesco for assistance.

Man looking at some documents

Don’t Miss Out on Your 2024 Retirement Savings! Maximize Your Contributions Before the Tax Deadline!

If you haven’t maxed out your retirement contributions for 2024, now’s the time to act! Learn about contribution limits and funding deadlines for various retirement plans. For assistance, call Client Services at 800-959-4246.

Tax guides

Open-end tax guide

This helpful guide to completing your tax return for open-end funds – such as mutual funds – includes IRS forms, distribution details, cost basis material, shareholder notices, and other resources.

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Closed-end tax guide

This guide provides valuable resources, such as IRS forms, supplemental tax tables, corporate actions material, and regulatory notices, to help you complete your tax return for closed-end funds.

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ETF tax center

Are ETFs tax-efficient? Do they incur capital gains? Check out this informative resource to find specific tax information, forms, tools, reports, and frequently asked questions for our ETFs.

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Unit trust guide

Use this reference to get a general understanding of unit trusts, answers to your tax questions about these structures, and particulars about components included in the unit trust annual reports

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Important tax form information

The links below provide more detailed information on each of the tax forms that you may have received as well as important dates. To find relevant tax forms, log in to your account or reach out to us.

IRS forms Information reported Available by date*
Form 1099-B Redemption proceeds and cost basis associated with the sale or exchange of fund shares for nonretirement accounts of price-fluctuating funds February 15 for most funds**
Form 1099-DIV Dividends, including capital gains, exempt-interest, and other fund distributions, from nonretirement accounts February 15 for most funds**
Form 1099-R Distributions and rollovers made from Invesco-sponsored retirement accounts (not issued for a transfer of assets) January 31
Form 1099-Q All distributions, including rollovers, from Invesco-sponsored Coverdell Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) January 31
Form 1042-S Distributions and taxes withheld for accounts owned by nonresident aliens and foreign entities March 15
Form 5498 Individual retirement account (IRA) contributions, including rollovers and conversions, and year-end fair market  value May 31
Form 5498-ESA Contributions, including rollovers and direct trustee transfers, into Coverdell ESAs April 30


*If a referenced date falls on a weekend or holiday, then delivery will generally occur on the next available business day.

**Invesco will file for an extension with the IRS that would permit Invesco to delay its delivery of the Form 1099-DIV and Form 1099-B to shareholders of the Invesco Real Estate Fund, Invesco Global Real Estate Fund, Invesco Global Real Estate Income Fund, Invesco SteelPath MLP Alpha Fund, Invesco SteelPath MLP Alpha Plus Fund, Invesco SteelPath MLP Income Fund, Invesco SteelPath MLP Select 40 Fund, Invesco Real Estate Income Trust, and Invesco Commercial Real Estate Finance Trust. The assets within these Invesco funds consist of either Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) or Partnerships and the Funds will not receive all critical distribution information from the underlying Trusts and Partnerships until late January or February. Therefore, a 30-day extension is required to collect this information and produce the appropriate 1099-DIV and 1099-B tax forms to the shareholders of each fund.

Additional tax resources

In addition to tax documents and information for open-end funds, closed-end funds, and ETFs, other tax resources are available. If you're searching for something that's not listed, feel free to contact an Invesco Client Services representative for assistance.

Name Information identified Documents
Dividends received deductions Percentage of income that’s eligible for the corporate dividends received deduction 2024
Foreign tax credit
Foreign tax credits certain funds elected to pass through to shareholders in dividends 2024
Foreign tax redeterminations Notification of redeterminations related to refunds of taxes paid to members of the European Union 2023
US government interest percentages
Federal interest earnings derived from government obligations to assist with state tax liability calculations 2024

Name Information identified Documents
State/territory-exempt dividends  State tax liabilities for states that allow special treatment for earnings derived from federal obligations 2023 
US government obligations  State tax liabilities for states that allow special treatment for earnings derived from federal obligations 2024
Qualified interest income  Earnings designated as qualified interest income that’s exempt from nonresident alien withholding 2024

Name Information identified Documents
Retirement and Tax Planning Guide  Includes retirement and tax related information and prior tax year to facilitate important financial related conversations. Learn more

Contact us for more information

Can’t find what you’re looking for or have questions about your tax forms you received from us? Reach out to one of our Client Services representatives or the IRS.