
Guidelines for pension schemes investing in an Invesco ICVC

Guidelines for pension schemes investing in an Invesco ICVC
Information about how pension schemes may invest in an Invesco ICVC.

Regulated Personal Pension Scheme including Self Invested Pension Plan (SIPP) Registration

Invesco will register the account in the name of the Corporate Entity (Pension Scheme Provider/administrator), with any Trustees of the Pension Scheme being joint holders. The first-named holder will receive all account documentation, correspondence and settlement cheques.

The scheme name will be set up as the account designation, followed by ‘SIPP’. Designations have a maximum of eighteen characters.


The following will be required to set up an account with Invesco:


  • Invesco Application for entities and trusts To be completed by the representative of the Corporate Entity and any joint holders
  • Evidence of HMRC or Pension Regulator registration and PSTR number – either an HMRC approval letter, scheme submission receipt, scheme certificate or an HMRC pension portal screenshot
  • Document confirming current trustees – either the pension scheme trust deed (and subsequent deeds of appointment/retirement, if applicable) or an HMRC pension portal screenshot
  • Details of beneficial owners 
  • Proof of registration with the relevant local PSC/beneficial owner register
  • If a corporate trustee has been appointed:
  • If the trustee is a subsidiary of another company, an up-to-date group entity structure chart for the trustee, including ownership percentages
  • An up-to-date authorised signatories list

If a separate pension administrator has been appointed:

Confirmation of its full registered name, address and company registration number; Please note we may request further documents in relation to this entity if required.


Regulated Occupational Pension Scheme including Small Self Administered Scheme (SSAS) Registration

Invesco will register the account to each named trustee. The first-named holder will receive all account documentation, correspondence and settlement cheques.

The scheme name will be set up as the account designation, followed by ‘SSAS’. Designations have a maximum of eighteen characters.


The following will be required to set up an account with Invesco:

  • Evidence of HMRC or Pension Regulator registration and PSTR number – either an HMRC approval letter, scheme submission receipt, scheme certificate or an HMRC pension portal screenshot
  • Document confirming current trustees/members – either the pension scheme trust deed (and subsequent deeds of appointment/retirement, if applicable) or an HMRC pension portal screenshot
  • Details of beneficial owners to be completed in the enclosed Beneficial Owners
  • Supplementary Information form
  • Confirmation of company (employer) name and company registration number
  • Proof of registration with the relevant local PSC/beneficial owner register
  • If a corporate trustee has been appointed:
  • If the trustee is a subsidiary of another company, an up-to-date group entity structure chart for the trustee, including ownership percentages
  • An up-to-date authorised signatories list


  • Invesco Application for entities and trusts form - To be completed by trustees
  • ‘PSTR Number’
  • Full signatory list (if one or more Trustee is a Corporate Entity)
  • The ‘HMRC Approval letter’ (for schemes set up prior to 05 April 2006) Or
  • The ‘Scheme Submission Receipt’ or ‘Scheme Certificate’ (for schemes set up after 05 April 2006)


Local Government Pension Scheme Registration

Invesco will register the account in the name of the Pension Scheme. The first-named holder will receive all account documentation, correspondence and settlement cheques.


The following will be required to set up an account with Invesco:

Local Government pension Scheme


Unregulated/Unregistered UK or Irish Pension Scheme

Invesco will register the account to each named trustee. The first-named holder will receive all account documentation, correspondence and settlement cheques.


The following will be required to set up an account with Invesco:

Unregulated/Unregistered UK or Irish Pension

Please note:
  • Anti-Money Laundering - we will attempt to verify the schemes, if applicable, via relevant websites; individual trustees may require verification which we will attempt to do electronically. We may also need additional information and/ or documentation from you during the registration process to verify the trustees and the scheme. Where we request documentation you will be asked to supply original or certified copies of these to aid Invesco to complete the verification process
  • Once your account is registered and verified we may still need to write to you for further information to satisfy the anti-money laundering regulations
  • The words ‘trust’ and ‘trustees’ cannot be used in any registered name for legislative reasons

Any questions?

If you have any questions about investing on behalf of a pension scheme with Invesco, please contact us on freephone number 0800 085 8677.