Regulatory complaints data

At Invesco we strive to provide you with excellent service and we welcome any comments, be they positive or negative, as to how we might improve.

If you have any such comments please call us on 0800 085 8677 or write to:

Head of Client Services at Invesco Administration Centre,
PO Box 586,
DL1 9BE, UK.

If you choose to make a complaint we will treat it seriously, investigate it thoroughly and commit to treating you fairly and reasonably.

Below is our Complaints Report for the period from 1 January 2022 to 30 June 2022. This data is published in accordance with the Financial Conduct Authority regulations.

Complaints publication report

Firm name: Invesco Fund Managers Limited
Group: Invesco Limited
Period covered: 1 January 2022 to 30 June 2022
Trading name: Invesco

Product grouping Investments
Number of complaints opened per 1000 client accounts 2.44
Number of complaints opened 556
Number of complaints closed 560
Percentage closed within 3 days 10.54%
Percentage closed after 3 days but within 8 weeks 78.21%
Percentage upheld 70.54%
Main cause of complaints opened Other general administration / customer service

In order to add some context to these numbers we provide further data below regarding the size of Invesco Fund Managers Limited’s business.

Assets under management (private clients): £5.96 bn
Total assets under management: £29.17 bn
Number of client accounts: 227,225
Number of clients: 213,239

All data sourced from Invesco Fund Managers Limited as at 30 June 2022.