Investing with Invesco

ICVC (including ISAs)

Resources to support you when making an investment into an Invesco ICVC or ISA.

How to invest in Invesco ICVCs and ISAs

Invesco's ICVC funds can be invested in directly or via third party distributors. 

Application materials, guides and FAQs are noted below to help you when investing with Invesco.

When making an investment, investors must confirm that that they have been provided with the most recent fund and share class specific Key Investor Information Document(s) available on each fund product page.

Please get in touch using the Live chat available on this page if you have any queries - we're here to help.

ICVC and ISA application materials

For more information on our funds and the relevant risks, please refer to the share class-specific Key Investor Information Documents, the Annual or Interim Reports, the Prospectus.

ICVC and ISA contact details


Administration address - for all account correspondence.

Invesco Administration Centre
PO Box 586
United Kingdom


Invesco Administration Centre:
0800 085 8677

Our phone lines are open from 8.30am to 6pm, Mondays to Fridays (excluding Bank Holidays).

Telephone calls may be recorded.


Invesco Administration Centre: +44 20 3180 7647



An ICVC or Investment Company with Variable Capital is a type of open-ended collective investment formed as a corporation under the Open-Ended Investment Companies Regulations of the United Kingdom.

An Individual Savings Account, or ISA, is a tax-efficient way of investing.

An ISA is not an investment in its own right, but a wrapper in which you can hold investments to shelter them from capital gains tax while minimising income tax. Simply put, when you hold investments in an ISA, you don’t pay capital gains tax on any capital gains you make and you don’t pay any income tax on the income you receive or reinvest.

There four types of ISA: cash ISAs, stocks and shares ISAs, innovative finance ISAs and Lifetime ISAs.

All of these can be invested in during any tax year, subject to subscription limits.

We only offer a stocks and shares ISA.

Within a stocks and shares ISA it is possible to invest in a broad range of equity and bond investments through the Invesco ICVC fund range.

Investments into Invesco ICVC funds can be made through all major third party platforms. Please note that not all Invesco ICVC funds will be available via each platform.

A selection of platforms that can be used are shown below:

Please note this list is not exhaustive.

Each fund offers some or all of the following share classes:

  • Accumulation/Income shares
  • No Trail Accumulation/Income shares
  • Z Accumulation/Income shares

Accumulation/Income shares

These share classes are available to investors who invest through a qualified financial adviser but have not received a personnel recommendation (financial advice) on their investment.

Renewal commission is available to financial advisers in respect of both of these share classes. If financial advisers do not wish to receive commission on the investment then No Trail Accumulation or No Trail Income shares are available.

Income shares make regular distribution payments directly to the shareholder. Accumulation shares pay these regular distributions back into the fund, which is reflected in the share price.

No Trail Accumulation/Income shares

These share classes are available to investors who have received a personal recommendation (advice) on their investment from a qualified financial adviser or where the investor does not have a financial adviser.

No commission is payable on the shares. The annual ongoing charge for this share class is therefore reduced to reflect this.

Note: financial advisers may charge their own fee for the advice given.

Income shares make regular distribution payments directly to the shareholder. Accumulation shares pay these regular distributions back into the fund, which is reflected in the share price.

Please note: If you have received a personal recommendation (advice) from a qualified financial adviser, or you do not have a financial adviser, we will automatically purchase Accumulation (No Trail) or Income (No Trail) shares on your behalf.

Z Accumulation/Income shares

The Z share classes are available to clients investing in Invesco funds through fund platforms. 

Income shares make regular distribution payments directly to the shareholder. Accumulation shares pay these regular distributions back into the fund, which is reflected in the share price.

As the fund platform takes on account administration responsibilities, we reduce our annual ongoing charge to reflect this.

Note: the fund platform may charge their own fees on top of this for their service.



Our charges vary depending on the fund and the share class.

For details of our charges please refer to our Cost & Charges document.

ICVC accumulation shares reinvest income earned by the fund while ICVC income shares pay income out to shareholders

Accumulation shares

At the end of each accounting period, on the ex-dividend (XD) date, the net income that’s been earned by accumulation shares in the fund is reinvested into the fund on behalf of the shareholders.

This means that shareholders don’t get any income payments in cash.


Income shares

At the end of each accounting period, on the ex-dividend (XD) date, the net income that’s been earned by income shares in the fund is paid out to shareholders who hold income shares.

For bond fund holders, it’s paid in the form of an interest payment and for equity fund holders, in the form of a dividend.

The price of income shares will decrease relative to the price of accumulation shares at the time an income distribution is made.

Minimum investment levels are set out below:

Fund Initial Lump Sum Additional Lump Sum Monthly Savings
Outside of an ICVC ISA £500 £100 £20
Held in a stocks and shares ICVC ISA £500 £100 £20
Through an ICVC ISA transfer £500 £100 £20

Monthly Direct Debit

Monthly Direct Debit payments will be taken from the investor's bank or building society on the dates shown below or the next dealing day if a collection date falls on a weekend or bank holiday.


Funds Collection date
ICVC funds outside of an ICVC ISA
(including the Invesco Money Fund)
1st or 9th of each month1
ICVC funds held in a stocks and shares ISA 28th of each month2

The collection date depends on when the application is received. Following the first collection, the date can be changed to either the 1st or the 9th of each month.

2 Direct Debits are automatically collected on the 28th of each month. Following the first collection, the date can be changed to the 1st, 15th, 20th or 24th of each month.

Investors much ensure they have been provided with the most recent fund and share class specific Key Investor Information Document(s) and the Supplementary Information Document before making any decision to invest.

Details of the charges applied to each of our ICVC funds can be found on each ICVC product page, within the ‘charges section’ of the page.

Our ICVC and ISA Application forms contains an ‘Invesco anti-money laundering requirements’ Appendix with documentation requirements for both UK private clients and overseas private clients.

The Appendix in this form also includes guidance notes about anti-money laundering documentation – including acceptance and unacceptable forms of identification and information about who can certify documents. See the ‘Important notes for UK clients’ and ‘Important notes for overseas clients’ on the final page of the ICVC and ISA Application forms.

ICVC - Account set up / top ups / switching / selling

Investments can be made directly with us or through a third party platform.

Investing directly

Investing through a platform

  • Our ICVC funds are also available through all major third party platforms. Please approach the chosen platform to invest this way.



Our charges vary depending on the share class invested into, which is dictated by the investment made. For more information on the different share classes, see "Which share classes are available for ICVC funds?".

Details of our charges can be found in the ‘charges’ tab within our individual ICVC fund pages. Alternatively, they can be found in the most recent fund and share class specific Key Investor Information Document(s).

Investments can be topped up by sending us a completed ICVC application form, or by calling us using the ‘ICVC contact details’ on this page.

By post

Subsequent investments can be made by post, with cheques made payable to 'Invesco Fund Managers Limited'.

Please use the ‘ICVC contact details’ on this page.


By phone

Please use the ‘ICVC contact details’ on this page.

When calling, please have the following details available:

  • Permanent residential address
  • Contact telephone number(s)
  • Existing account number
  • Debit card details

We will need to verify investors prior to placing the investment, please have as much personal information to hand as possible.


The minimum top up amount is £100 per fund.


A debit card is required for payment as we don’t accept credit cards. Alternatively, after placing the investment a payment by cheque can be made, payable to “Invesco Fund Managers Limited”.


Investors must ensure they have been provided with the most recent fund and share class specific Key Investor Information Document(s) and the Supplementary Information Document before making any decision to invest.

A Direct Debit to make payments into a regular savings plan can be set up by completing an ICVC application form.


Please note only accumulation shares are available when investing monthly by Direct Debit. In addition, it is not possible to make monthly payments by Direct Debit into the Invesco Money Fund (UK).


New Direct Debits for ICVC investments are automatically set up to collect on the 9th of each month. Set up of new Direct Debits will take up to ten business days, therefore we must receive the application and set up the account ten business days before the representative collection date to register the collection for that same month.


If these dates fall on a weekend or a UK bank holiday, the collection will be made on the next business day. Shares will be purchased at the next 12 noon valuation point after receipt as long as it is a dealing day.


For a list of expected non-dealing days, see our UK non dealing days document.


All new regular savings being set up will be subject to receipt of a fully completed application form and successful personal and bank verification checks.

Switches can be set up via the following methods:

Investments will be sold at the next valuation point after we receive instructions as long as it is on a dealing day*. Valuations take place at 12 noon each business day. Sale proceeds are invested into the new chosen fund(s) on the same business day as long as it is on a dealing day.**


* Where the instruction is to switch out of the Invesco Summit Growth Investment Series: for instructions received up to 5pm, the sale will be processed at the 12 noon valuation point the next dealing day and for any instructions received after 5pm, the sale will be processed at the 12 noon valuation point on the second dealing day after receipt.


**Where the instruction is to switch into the Invesco Summit Growth Investment Series: for instructions received up to 5pm, the sale will be processed at the 12 noon valuation point the next dealing day and for any instructions received after 5pm, the sale will be processed at the 12 noon valuation point on the second dealing day after receipt.


For a list of expected non-dealing days, see our UK non dealing days document.


Investors must have been provided with the most recent fund and share class specific Key Investor Information Document(s), the Supplementary Information Document and our ICVC ISA Terms and Conditions before making any decision to invest.


For more information on the different share classes, see "Which share classes are available for ICVC funds?".

Direct Debits can be stopped at any time by writing to us with signed instructions.


Please allow at least five business days before the usual collection date so that the Direct Debit is stopped before it would normally collect.


Instructions should be sent to our correspondence address in the 'ICVC contact details' section of this page.


Switches can be made by:

  • Completing and returning the relevant ICVC ISA application form with a covering letter, stating which ICVC investments are to be switched into a stocks and shares ISA.
  • Investments will be sold at the next valuation point after we receive the instructions as long as it is on a dealing day.* Valuations take place at 12 noon each business day. Sale proceeds are invested into the new chosen fund(s) within the ICVC ISA on the same day that the original fund(s) were sold.

*Where the instruction is to switch out of the Invesco Summit Growth Investment Series: for instructions received up to 5pm, the sale will be processed at the 12 noon valuation point the next dealing day and for any instructions received after 5pm, the sale will be processed at the 12 noon valuation point on the second dealing day after receipt.


For a list of expected non-dealing days, see our UK non dealing days document.


Investors must ensure they have been provided with the most recent fund and share class specific Key Investor Information Document(s), the Supplementary Information Document and our ICVC ISA Terms and Conditions before making any decision to invest.


For more information on the different share classes, see "Which share classes are available for ICVC funds?".

For investments made through an authorised Financial Adviser (where financial advice has been received on the transaction) investors will usually have the option to cancel their ICVC investment for up to 14 days after they receive a cancellation form.

This applies to:

  • a lump sum investment
  • a new regular savings plan
  • a new fund through an existing plan

This form is automatically sent to investors with their purchase contract note on the next business day after the investment is bought. It includes information about when the cancellation period begins and ends and how investors can exercise their cancellation rights.

The form, or written equivalent, must be returned to us using the Administration address in the 'ICVC contact details' on this page.

We’ll reimburse any amount we have received but, where an ICVC lump sum investment has been made, we’ll deduct any amount by which the value of that investment has fallen, calculated at the next valuation point after cancellation instructions are received.

For a list of expected non-dealing days, see our UK non dealing days document.

Where an investment was not made through an authorised Financial Adviser, cancellation rights do not apply.

ISA - Account set up / top ups / switching / selling / transfers in

Investments can be made directly with us or through a third party platform.


Investing directly

ICVC ISA lump sum investments

By post

Complete and return the ICVC ISA application form enclosing a cheque, made payable to "Invesco Fund Managers Limited".

All new accounts being set up by post will be subject to receipt of a fully completed application form and successful personal and bank verification checks.


By telephone

Please call us using the 'ISA contact details' on this page. Investments must be made by debit card as we don't accept credit cards. 

Telephone calls may be recorded.


Please have the following details available:

  • Date of birth
  • Permanent residential address
  • Contact telephone numbers
  • National Insurance number (if applicable)
  • Existing account number (if applicable)
  • Debit card details
  • Bank or building society account details for any future sales proceeds and income payments (where applicable)
  • Investors will need to confirm that they have been provided with the most recent fund and share class specific Key Investor Information Document(s), the Supplementary Information Document and our ICVC ISA Terms and Conditions before we can proceed with the investment.
  • Where a financial adviser is to be reflected on the transaction(s), their name and address needs to be provided.

All new accounts being set up by telephone will be subject to successful personal and bank electronic verification checks.


ICVC ISA regular savings investments


A regular savings ICVC ISA can be set up by completing an ICVC ISA application form.


Please note only accumulation shares are available when investing monthly by Direct Debit. In addition, it is not possible to make monthly payments by Direct Debit when making additional permitted subscriptions.


New Direct Debits for ICVC ISA investments are automatically set up to collect on the 28th of each month. Set up of the Direct Debit will take up to ten business days, therefore we must receive the application and set up the account ten business days before the representative collection date to register the collection for that same month.


If these dates fall on a weekend or a UK bank holiday, the collection will be made on the next business day. Shares will be purchased at the next 12 noon valuation point after receipt as long as it is on a dealing day.


For a list of expected non-dealing days, see our UK non dealing days document.


All new regular savings being set up will be subject to receipt of a fully completed application form and successful personal and bank verification checks.


Monthly payments by Direct Debit will automatically continue into subsequent tax years unless we receive further instructions from the investor.

Investments can be topped up by sending us a completed ICVC application form, or by calling us using the ‘ISA contact details’ on this page.

By post

Top ups can be made by post, with cheques made payable to 'Invesco Fund Managers Limited'. 

Please use the ‘ISA contact details’ on this page.


By phone

Please use the ISA contact details' on this page.

When calling, please have the following details available:

  • Permanent residential address
  • Contact telephone number(s)
  • Existing account number
  • Debit card details

The minimum top up amount is £100 per fund held. Investors must ensure to stay within the annual ISA subscription limit.


Investors must ensure they have been provided with the most recent fund and share class specific Key Investor Information Document(s), the Supplementary Information Document and our ICVC ISA Terms and Conditions before making any decision to invest.


Please note Invesco no longer accepts new investments into a cash ISA.

Switches can be made by:

Investments will be sold at the next valuation point after we receive your instructions as long as it is on a dealing day*. Valuations take place at 12 noon each business day. Sale proceeds are invested into the new chosen fund(s) on the same business day as long as it is a dealing day**.


* Where the instruction is to switch out of the Invesco Summit Growth Investment Series: for instructions received up to 5pm, the sale will be processed at the 12 noon valuation point the next dealing day and for any instructions received after 5pm, the sale will be processed at the 12 noon valuation point on the second dealing day after receipt.


**Where the instruction is to switch into the Invesco Summit Growth Investment Series: for instructions received up to 5pm, the sale will be processed at the 12 noon valuation point the next dealing day and for any instructions received after 5pm, the sale will be processed at the 12 noon valuation point on the second dealing day after receipt.


For a list of expected non-dealing days, see our UK non dealing days document.


Investors must have been provided with the most recent fund and share class specific Key Investor Information Document(s), the Supplementary Information Document and our ICVC ISA Terms and Conditions before making any decision to invest.


For more information on the different share classes, see "Which share classes are available for ICVC funds?".

Switches can be made by:

  • Completing and returning the relevant ICVC ISA application form with a covering letter, stating which ICVC investments are to be switched into a stocks and shares ISA.
  • Investments will be sold at the next valuation point after we receive the instructions as long as it is on a dealing day.* Valuations take place at 12 noon each business day. Sale proceeds are invested into the new chosen fund(s) within the ICVC ISA on the same day that the original fund(s) were sold.

*Where the instruction is to switch out of the Invesco Summit Growth Investment Series: for instructions received up to 5pm, the sale will be processed at the 12 noon valuation point the next dealing day and for any instructions received after 5pm, the sale will be processed at the 12 noon valuation point on the second dealing day after receipt.


For a list of expected non-dealing days, see our UK non dealing days document.


Investors must ensure they have been provided with the most recent fund and share class specific Key Investor Information Document(s), the Supplementary Information Document and our ICVC ISA Terms and Conditions before making any decision to invest.


For more information on the different share classes, see "Which share classes are available for ICVC funds?".

Please comple our ISA Transfer Form.

We are dependent on the previous ISA manager for receipt of the settlement, which can take up to 30 days. If the ISA to be transferred is for the current tax year and the investor also wants to top-up their ISA, settlement must be received before the top-up can be made.

Income and proceeds

When choosing to have income paid out from an ISA or ICVC, any income generated by the fund(s) will be credited to the investor's bank account on the fund(s) distribution pay date.


Income will only be paid when available and the amount will fluctuate.


A guide to income provides details on when Invesco's ICVC funds pay income.

Yes. We can pay sale proceeds directly into a personal bank account in the investor's own name or a joint account which includes the investor's own name, or in the case of joint holders, in the name of the first named holder, or a joint account which includes their name, subject to satisfactory verification of the named holders' bank details, normally on the third business day after we carry out your instructions.

No. We don’t make payments to anyone other than the investor, or in the case of joint account holders, to the first named holder. We believe that by making payments in this way, we’re helping to protect account(s) against any fraudulent activity.


We’ll send sale proceeds by cheque to the investor's registered address, payable only to the investor, or in the case of joint holders to the first named holder; or directly to a personal bank account in the investor's name or a joint account which includes the investor's own name (or in the case of joint holders, a personal account in the investor's name or a joint account which includes the investor's name), subject to satisfactory verification of your bank details, normally on the third business day after we carry out your instructions.


In the case of the Invesco Money Fund (UK), the proceeds will normally be sent on the first business day after we carry out the investor's instructions.

Investing in other product ranges?

General information about investing and details for making investments into other Invesco product ranges:

Investment risks

  • The value of investments and any income will fluctuate (this may partly be the result of exchange-rate fluctuations) and investors may not get back the full amount invested. 

    Current tax levels and reliefs may change. Depending on individual circumstances, this may affect investment returns.

Important information

  • This content should not be considered financial advice. 

    Where individuals or the business have expressed opinions, they are based on current market conditions, they may differ from those of other investment professionals and are subject to change without notice.