Investing with Invesco

ICVC (including ISAs)

Resources to support you making an investment into an Invesco ICVC or ISA.

ICVC (including ISAs)

Instruction: Change of selection promptly shifts the focus to a matching heading further down, on the same page.

How to invest in Invesco ICVCs and ISAs

Invesco's ICVC funds can be invested in directly with Invesco Fund Managers Limited or via third party distributors.

An Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA (which invests in Invesco ICVC funds only) can only be invested in directly with Invesco Fund Managers Limited. 

Application materials, guides and FAQs are provided below to help you when investing with Invesco.

 You should refer to the latest fund and share class specific Key Investor Information Document(s) or Key Information Document(s) available on each fund product page before making any decision to invest.

Please get in touch using the Live chat available on this page if you have any queries - we're here to help.

ICVC and ISA application literature

Where you wish to invest in our ICVC funds you should also refer to the latest ICVC Supplementary Information Document. Where you wish to invest in our ICVC funds via an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA, you should also refer to the ICVC ISA Terms and Conditions.

If you would like to view product specific literature such as the fund Factsheet, the relevant Annual or Interim Reports and the relevant Prospectus(es), please visit the ICVC product pages.


An ICVC or Investment Company with Variable Capital is a type of open-ended collective investment formed as a corporation under the Open-Ended Investment Companies Regulations of the United Kingdom.

An Individual Savings Account, or ISA, is a tax-efficient way of investing.

An ISA is not an investment in its own right, but a wrapper in which you can hold investments to shelter them from capital gains tax while minimising income tax. Simply put, when you hold investments in an ISA, you don’t pay capital gains tax on any capital gains you make and you don’t pay any income tax on the income you receive or reinvest.

The UK Government puts a cap on how much you can put into your ISA or ISAs each tax year (from 6th April to 5th April). Please refer to the Government website for the current tax year limit.

There four types of ISA: cash ISAs, stocks and shares ISAs, innovative finance ISAs and Lifetime ISAs.

All of these can be invested in during any tax year, subject to subscription limits.

We only offer a stocks and shares ISA.

Within a stocks and shares ISA it is possible to invest in a broad range of equity and bond investments through the Invesco ICVC fund range.

Investments into Invesco ICVC funds can be made through all major third party platforms. Please note that not all Invesco ICVC funds will be available via each platform.

A selection of platforms that can be used are shown below:

Please note this list is not exhaustive.

Each fund offers some or all of the following share classes:

  • Accumulation/Income shares
  • No Trail Accumulation/Income shares
  • Z Accumulation/Income shares

Accumulation/Income shares

Where you invest in our ICVC funds with us directly, we will purchase Accumulation or Income shares on your behalf where renewal commission is to be paid to your financial adviser in respect of their investment.

As commission is payable, the Ongoing Charge for these share classes is higher than the Ongoing Charge for the No Trail Accumulation/Income shares.

Accumulation shares allocate dividend or interest distributions on the pay dates of the fund to capital and thereby reflect the distributions in the share price of your investment.

Income shares pay out dividend or distributions on the pay dates of the fund.

Important Note:

Since 30 September 2023, we only pay renewal commission to a financial adviser in respect of a purchase of shares for an existing ICVC or ISA account and only where the financial adviser is already receiving renewal commission on investments in that account.

If you, or your financial adviser, request us to pay renewal commission to a new financial adviser on an existing account, or to pay renewal commission on a new ICVC account, your application will be rejected.

With effect from 31 July 2024, we will no longer pay renewal commission, and therefore, from that date, we will no longer offer these share classes.


Accumulation/Income (No Trail) shares

Where you invest in our ICVC funds with us directly, we will purchase Accumulation (No Trail) or Income (No Trail) shares on your behalf unless renewal commission is to be paid to your financial adviser in respect of their investment.

As no commission is payable, the Ongoing Charge for these share classes is less than the Ongoing Charge for the Accumulation/Income shares.

Note: financial advisers may charge their own fee for advice and/or other services they provide.

Accumulation shares allocate dividend or interest distributions on the pay dates of the fund to capital and thereby reflect the distributions in the share price of your investment.

Income shares pay out dividend or interest distributions on the pay dates of the fund.

Z Accumulation/Income shares

The Z share classes is available to investors investing in our ICVC funds via a fund platform. 

Accumulation shares allocate dividend or interest distributions on the pay dates of the fund to capital and thereby reflect the distributions in the share price of your investment.

Income shares pay out dividend or interest distributions on the pay dates of the fund.

As the fund platform takes on account administration responsibilities, the Ongoing Charge for these shares classes is less than the Ongoing Charge for the other share classes.

Note: the fund platform may charge their own fees for the service they provide.

Accumulation shares

Accumulation shares allocate dividend or interest distributions on the pay dates of the fund to capital and thereby reflect the distributions in the share price of your investment. This means that shareholders won’t receive any income payments in cash.

Income shares

Income shares pay out dividend or interest distributions on the pay dates of the fund.

The price of accumulation shares will, therefore, increase relative to the price of income shares when a dividend or an interest distribution is made by the fund.


Dividend distributions are made periodically by funds investing primarily in equities, while interest distributions are made periodically by funds investing primarily in bonds.


  Initial Lump Sum per fund Additional Lump Sum per fund Regular payment per fund
Held in an ICVC £500 £100 £20
Held in Invesco stocks and shares ISA £500 £100 £20
Transfer into an Invesco Stocks and Share ISA  £500 £100 £20

The costs and charges vary depending on the fund and the share class.

For a full breakdown of all the costs and charges that apply to each share class of each fund, please refer to our Cost & Charges document.

Our ICVC and ISA Application forms contains an ‘Invesco anti-money laundering requirements’ Appendix with documentation requirements for both UK private clients and overseas private clients.

The Appendix in this form also includes guidance notes about anti-money laundering documentation – including acceptance and unacceptable forms of identification and information about who can certify documents. See the ‘Important notes for UK clients’ and ‘Important notes for overseas clients’ on the final page of the ICVC and ISA Application forms.

We recognise that this may be an extremely difficult time, and we hope to do everything we can to make the next steps as straightforward as possible.

The next steps – probate procedure document sets out the options available in relation to the ICVC (including ISA) investments that form part of a deceased’s estate.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Investments in our ICVC funds can be made directly with us or via a third party platform.

Investing directly

When you first invest in an ICVC fund you will also need to open an ICVC account with us at the same to time.

  • To open an ICVC account, and make an investment, complete Form D of our ICVC and ISA Application forms pack and send the form with a cheque made payable to 'Invesco Fund Managers Limited' to the address shown under the ‘ICVC and ISA contact details’ section on this page.
  • Our acceptance of your application will be subject to us: (i) receiving a fully completed and signed application form from you;  (ii) being able to successfully verify your identity for Anti-Money Laundering purposes; and (iii) being able to successfully verify your bank account.
  • You should refer to the latest fund and share class specific Key Investor Information Document(s) or Key Information Document(s) available in the 'literature' section of fund specific pages within the products area of our website before making a decision to invest and also refer to the ICVC Supplementary Information Document (SID) before you invest.

Investing via a platform

Our ICVC funds are also available through all major third party platforms. Please approach your chosen platform to invest this way.

Fund Charges

The costs and charges vary depending on the fund and the share class.

For a full breakdown of all the costs and charges that apply to each share class of each fund, please refer to our Cost & Charges document.

For more information on the different share classes, see section entitled “Which share classes are available for our ICVC funds?” on this page. 

You can make additional investments by post, phone or online if you have access to our online dealing service.

By post

Send us a fully completed and signed ICVC Top Up application form with a cheque made payable to 'Invesco Fund Managers Limited' to the address shown under the ‘ICVC and ISA contact details’ section on this page.

[This form will be available shortly – link in brackets to show this document is pending.]

By phone

Call us at the Invesco Administration Centre on the number shown under the ‘ICVC and ISA contact details’ section on this page.

When calling, you should have the following details available:

  • Permanent residential address
  • Contact telephone number(s)
  • Existing account number
  • Debit card details

We will need to verify that you are the account holder prior to accepting your instruction to invest over the phone, so please have your personal details and ICVC account information to hand when you call.

The minimum top up amount is £100 per fund.

A debit card is required for payment as we don’t accept credit cards. Alternatively, after placing the investment a payment by cheque can be made, payable to “Invesco Fund Managers Limited”.

Telephone calls may be recorded.


You can make an additional investment online via My Invesco where: (i) you already have access to our online dealing service; (ii) you wish to invest into No Trail share classes; and (iii) you have not received a personal recommendation (i.e. advice) from a financial adviser.

You should refer to the latest fund and share class specific Key Investor Information Document(s) or Key Information Document(s) available in the 'literature' section of fund specific pages within the products area of our website before making a decision to invest and also refer to the ICVC Supplementary Information Document (SID) before you invest.

By post

Where you do not already have an ICVC account with us, you should complete Form D of our ICVC and ISA Application forms pack. See also “How do I open an ICVC account?” on this page.

Where you already have an ICVC account with us, you should complete an ICVC Regular Savings Plan Amendment to Direct Debit form.

You should send the relevant form to the address shown under the ‘ICVC and ISA contact details’ section on this page.


You can set up regular payments online via My Invesco where: (i) you already have access to our online dealing service; (ii) you wish to invest into No Trail share classes; and (iii) you have not received a personal recommendation (i.e. advice) from a financial adviser.

Your regular payments

The regular payments will be:

-       made by Direct Debit collected on the 9th of each month*; and

-       invested in accumulation shares.

We do not offer the facility to make regular payments into the Invesco Money Fund (UK).

It can take up to ten business days to set up a Direct Debit following the receipt of your instruction.

*Direct Debits will be collected on the 9th of each month. If the 9th is not a business day, then the collection will be on the next available business day. If the business day is not a dealing day, the investments will be processed at 12 noon on the next available dealing day.

For a list of expected non-dealing days, see our UK non dealing days document.

You should refer to the latest fund and share class specific Key Investor Information Document(s) or Key Information Document(s) available in the 'literature' section of fund specific pages within the products area of our website before making a decision to invest and also refer to the ICVC Supplementary Information Document (SID) before you invest.

Where you are applying to open an ICVC account, our acceptance of your application will be subject to us: (i) receiving a fully completed and signed application form; (ii) being able to successfully verify your identity for Anti-Money Laundering purposes; and (iii) being able to successfully verify your bank account.

Once a designated child turns 18, a Stock Transfer Form should be completed by the account holder and designated child. Send this to us with a new Application form (to be completed by the child only) in order to transfer the holdings into the designated child's name.

ISA lump sum investments

You will need to open an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA:

 - where you are investing in an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA for the first time; or

 - where you invested in an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA prior to 6 April 2024, when you first invest after that date.

If you opened an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA after 5 April 2024, you do not need to open a new Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA again. To make a further investment, please see ‘How do I make additional investments where I have an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA?’ on this page.

You can open and invest in an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA by post, by phone or Online if you already have access to our Online dealing service.

By post

·       Complete Form A of our ICVC and ISA Application forms pack and send the form with a cheque made payable to 'Invesco Fund Managers Limited' to the address shown under the ‘ICVC and ISA contact details’ section on this page.

·       Our acceptance of your application will be subject to us: (i) receiving a fully completed and signed application form; (ii) being able to successfully verify your identity for Anti-Money Laundering purposes; and (iii) being able to successfully verify your bank account.

·       You should refer to the latest fund and share class specific Key Investor Information Document(s) or Key Information Document(s) available in the 'literature' section of fund specific pages within the products area of our website before making a decision to invest and also refer to the ICVC Supplementary Information Document (SID) and ICVC ISA Terms and Conditions before you invest.

By phone

Call us at the Invesco Administration Centre on the number shown under the ‘ICVC and ISA contact details’ section on this page.

Telephone calls may be recorded.

When calling, you should have the following details available:

  • Date of birth
  • Permanent residential address
  • Contact telephone numbers
  • National Insurance number (if applicable)
  • Existing account number (if applicable)
  • Debit card details
  • Bank or building society account details for any future sales proceeds and income payments (where applicable)
  • Where a financial adviser is to be reflected on your transaction(s), you will need to provide their name and address.

You will need to confirm that you have been provided with the latest fund and share class specific Key Investor Information Document(s) for the ICVC funds you wish to invest in, the ICVC Supplementary Information Document (SID) and our ICVC ISA Terms and Conditions before we can proceed with the investment.

You will be required to make a declaration during the telephone call in accordance with the ISA Regulations.

Our acceptance of your application will be subject to us being able to successfully verify your identity for Anti-Money Laundering purposes and being able to successfully verify your bank account.


You can open an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA online via My Invesco where: (i) you already have access to our online dealing service; (ii) you wish to invest into No Trail share classes; and (iii) you have not received a personal recommendation (i.e. advice) from a financial adviser.

ISA regular savings investments

If you wish to set up a regular investment into an ICVC fund held within an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA, you will need to open an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA:

-       where you are investing in an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA for the first time; or

-       where you invested in an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA prior to 6 April 2024, and subsequent to that date, you cancelled your regular payments for a full tax year, or a longer period, and now wish to reinstate regular payments.

If you opened an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA after 5 April 2024, you do not need to open a new Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA again. To make a further investment, please see ‘How do I make an additional investment into an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA?’ on this page.

You can make a regular payment to an ICVC fund held within an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA by post or Online if you already have access to our Online dealing service.

By post

·       To open an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA, and set up a regular investment at the same time, complete Form A of our ICVC and ISA Application forms pack and send the form to the address shown under the ‘ICVC and ISA contact details’ section on this page.

·       Our acceptance of your application will be subject to us: (i) receiving a fully completed and signed application form from you; (ii) being able to successfully verify your identity for Anti-Money Laundering purposes; and (iii) being able to successfully verify your bank account.


You can open an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA and set up a regular investment at the same time, online via My Invesco where: (ii) you already have access to our online dealing service; (ii) you wish to invest into No Trail share classes; and (iii) you have not received a personal recommendation (i.e. advice) from a financial adviser.

Your regular payments

Your regular payments will be:

-      made by Direct Debit collected on the 28th of each month*; and

-      invested in accumulation shares.

We do not offer the facility to make regular payments into the Invesco Money Fund (UK).

It can take up to ten business days to set up a Direct Debit following the receipt of your instruction.

*Direct Debits will be collected on the 28th of each month. If the 28th is not a business day, then the collection will be on the next available business day. If the business day is not a dealing day, the investments will be processed at 12 noon on the next available dealing day.

For a list of expected non-dealing days, see our UK non dealing days document.

You can make additional investments in an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA by post, phone or online if you have access to our online dealing service.

By post

Send us a fully completed and signed ISA Top Up application form with a cheque made payable to 'Invesco Fund Managers Limited' to the address shown under the ‘ICVC and ISA contact details’ section on this page.

You should refer to the latest fund and share class specific Key Investor Information Document(s) or Key Information Document(s) available in the 'literature' section of fund specific pages within the products area of our website before making a decision to invest and also refer to the ICVC Supplementary Information Document (SID) and ICVC ISA Terms and Conditions before you invest.

By phone

Call us at the Invesco Administration Centre on the number shown under the ‘ICVC and ISA contact details’ section on this page. When calling, you should have the following details available:

  • Permanent residential address
  • Contact telephone number(s)
  • Existing account number
  • Debit card details

The minimum top up amount is £100 per ICVC fund held.

You should ensure you do not exceed your Overall Total ISA Subscription Limit for the current tax year.

You will need to confirm that you have been provided with the latest fund and share class specific Key Investor Information Document(s) for the ICVC funds you wish to invest in, the ICVC Supplementary Information Document (SID) and our ICVC ISA Terms and Conditions before we can proceed with your investment.

We will need to verify that you are the account holder prior to accepting your instruction to invest over the phone, so please have your personal details and ISA account information to hand when you call.

To transfer a Stocks and Shares ISA to an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA in the form of stock, or in the form of cash, complete Form B of our ICVC and ISA Application forms pack and send the form to the address shown under the ‘ICVC and ISA contact details’ section on this page.

As only Invesco ICVC funds can be held in an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA, you can only transfer an Invesco ICVC fund to us in the form of stock.

Where you are transferring a holding in an ICVC fund, the value of your holding in the fund must be at least £500.00 at the time you request the transfer.

Once the transfer has taken place, we will not accept payments for amounts of less than £20 in respect of interest and distributions from your ISA manager.

To transfer a cash ISA to an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA in the form of cash, complete Form C of our ICVC and ISA Application forms pack and send the form to the address shown under the ‘ICVC and ISA contact details’ section on this page.

We are dependent on your ISA manager to transfer the stock and/or cash as applicable. The transfer can take up to 30 calendar days.

We will not be able to accept any subscriptions into your Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA for the current tax year until the transfer has been completed unless you already have an Invesco Stock and Shares ISA with us.

By post

Where you do not already have an ISA account with us, you should complete Form A of our ICVC and ISA Application forms pack. See also “How do I open an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA?” on this page.

Where you already have an ISA account with us, you should complete an ISA - Regular Savings Plan Amendment to Direct Debit form.

You should send the relevant form to the address shown under the ‘ICVC and ISA contact details’ section on this page.


You can set up regular payments online via My Invesco where: (i) you already have access to our online dealing service; (ii) you wish to invest into No Trail share classes; and (iii) you have not received a personal recommendation (i.e. advice) from a financial adviser.

Your regular payments

The regular payments will be:

-       made by Direct Debit collected on the 28th of each month*; and

-       invested in accumulation shares.

We do not offer the facility to make regular payments into the Invesco Money Fund (UK).

It can take up to ten business days to set up a Direct Debit following the receipt of your instruction.

*Direct Debits will be collected on the 28th of each month. If the 28th is not a business day, then the collection will be on the next available business day. If the business day is not a dealing day, the investments will be processed at 12 noon on the next available dealing day.

For a list of expected non-dealing days, see our UK non dealing days document.

You should refer to the latest fund and share class specific Key Investor Information Document(s) or Key Information Document(s) available in the 'literature' section of fund specific pages within the products area of our website before making a decision to invest and also refer to the ICVC Supplementary Information Document (SID) before you invest.

Where you are applying to open an ISA account, our acceptance of your application will be subject to us: (i) receiving a fully completed and signed application form; (ii) being able to successfully verify your identity for Anti-Money Laundering purposes; and (iii) being able to successfully verify your bank account.

You can instruct us to switch an investment in one ICVC fund to another ICVC fund by post, phone, fax or online where you have access to our online dealing service:

By post

Complete an ICVC or ISA Instruction to switch or convert share classes form and send the form to us at the address shown under the ‘ICVC and ISA contact details’ section on this page.

By phone

Call us at the Invesco Administration Centre on the number shown under the ‘ICVC and ISA contact details’ section on this page.

When calling, you should have the following details available:

  • Permanent residential address
  • Contact telephone number(s)
  • Existing account number

We will need to verify that you are the account holder prior to accepting your instruction to invest over the phone, so please have your personal details and ICVC account information to hand when you call.

Telephone calls may be recorded.

By fax

Send your signed instruction to us on the fax number shown under the ‘ICVC and ISA contact details’ section on this page.


You can instruct us to switch ICVC funds online via My Invesco where: (i) you already have access to our online dealing service; (ii) you wish to invest into No Trail share classes; and (iii) you have not received a personal recommendation (i.e. advice) from a financial adviser.

Investments will be sold at the next valuation point after we receive your instructions as long as it is on a dealing day*. Valuations take place at 12 noon each business day. The sale proceeds will then be invested into your new chosen ICVC fund(s) on the same business day as long as it is on a dealing day.**

 * Where the instruction is to switch out of an ICVC fund in the Invesco Summit Growth Investment Series: for instructions received up to 5pm, the sale will be processed at the 12 noon valuation point the next dealing day and for any instructions received after 5pm, the sale will be processed at the 12 noon valuation point on the second dealing day after receipt.

**Where the instruction is to switch into an ICVC fund in the Invesco Summit Growth Investment Series: for instructions received up to 5pm, the sale will be processed at the 12 noon valuation point the next dealing day and for any instructions received after 5pm, the sale will be processed at the 12 noon valuation point on the second dealing day after receipt.

For a list of expected non-dealing days, see our UK non dealing days document.

You should refer to the latest fund and share class specific Key Investor Information Document(s) or Key Information Document(s) available in the 'literature' section of fund specific pages within the products area of our website before making a decision to switch to another ICVC fund.

You may or may not need to open an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA.

You will need to open an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA:

 - where you are investing in an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA for the first time; or

 - where you invested in an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA prior to 6 April 2024, when you first invest after that date.

If you opened an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA after 5 April 2024, you will not need to open a new Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA.

If you don’t need to open an Invesco Stocks and Share ISA:

You should send us a signed letter confirming:

-      the amount you wish to invest in your ISA;

-      in what proportions you wish us to sell the ICVC funds held in your ICVC account to raise the amount you wish to invest in your ISA account; and

-      which ICVC funds, and in what proportions, you wish us to buy for your ISA account.

If you do have to open an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA

You should complete Form A of our ICVC and ISA Application forms pack and send this form with a signed covering letter confirming in what proportions you wish us to sell the ICVC funds held in your ICVC account to raise the amount you wish to invest in your ISA account.

All instructions

You should send your instructions to us at the address shown under the ‘ICVC and ISA contact details’ section on this page.

Investments will be sold at the next valuation point after we receive your instructions as long as it is on a dealing day*. Valuations take place at 12 noon each business day. The sale proceeds will then be invested into the new chosen ICVC fund(s) on the same business day as long as it is on a dealing day.**

* Where the instruction is to switch out of an ICVC fund in the Invesco Summit Growth Investment Series: for instructions received up to 5pm, the sale will be processed at the 12 noon valuation point the next dealing day and for any instructions received after 5pm, the sale will be processed at the 12 noon valuation point on the second dealing day after receipt.

**Where the instruction is to switch into an ICVC fund in the Invesco Summit Growth Investment Series: for instructions received up to 5pm, the sale will be processed at the 12 noon valuation point the next dealing day and for any instructions received after 5pm, the sale will be processed at the 12 noon valuation point on the second dealing day after receipt.

For a list of expected non-dealing days, see our UK non dealing days document.

You should refer to the latest fund and share class specific Key Investor Information Document(s) or Key Information Document(s) available in the 'literature' section of fund specific pages within the products area of our website before making a decision to switch to another ICVC fund.

You should also refer to the ICVC Supplementary Information Document (SID) and the ICVC ISA Terms and Conditions before investing in an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA.

Where you are applying to open an Invesco Stocks and Shares ISA, our acceptance of your application will be subject to us: (i) receiving a fully completed and signed application form; (ii) being able to successfully verify your identity for Anti-Money Laundering purposes; and (iii) being able to successfully verify your bank account.

You can instruct us to stop your Direct Debits at any time by post or online where you have access to our online dealing service.

By post

Send your signed instructions to the address shown under the ‘ICVC and ISA contact details’ section on this page.

Instructions should be sent to the address shown under the ‘ICVC and ISA contact details’ section on this page.


Instruct us online via My Invesco where: (i) you already have access to our online dealing service; (ii) you wish to invest into No Trail share classes; and (iii) you have not received a personal recommendation (i.e. advice) from a financial adviser.

Please note to stop your Direct Debit before the next collection date, we must receive your instructions at least five business days before that date.

You can instruct us to sell an investment in an ICVC fund by post, phone or online where you have access to our online dealing service:

By post

Complete an ICVC, ISA and APS Instruction to sell form and send the form to us at the address shown under the ‘ICVC and ISA contact details’ section on this page.

Alternatively, you can send us a signed letter instructing us to sell your investment. Please ensure that you provide your full name, full address and account number and sufficient details on which investments you wish us to sell.

By phone

Call us at the Invesco Administration Centre on the number shown under the ‘ICVC and ISA contact details’ section on this page.

When calling, you should have the following details available:

  • Permanent residential address
  • Contact telephone number(s)
  • Existing account number

We will need to verify that you are the account holder prior to accepting your instruction to sell over the phone, so please have your personal details and ICVC/ISA account information to hand when you call.

Telephone calls may be recorded.


You can instruct us to sell your investment in an ICVC fund online via My Invesco where you already have access to our online dealing service.

When you invest through an authorised financial adviser who has provided you with advice (i.e. a personal recommendation) you are allowed a period in which to cancel your investment in the following scenarios:

-       when you make a lump sum investment;

-       when you open an ICVC or ISA account into which you make regular payments;

-       when you switch into an ICVC fund you have not previously invested in, through an existing ICVC or ISA account;

-       when you transfer an ISA to us from Another Manager in cash (but if you exercise your right to cancel in these circumstances you should be aware that you may lose the tax exempt status of your ISA).

Your right to cancel will not apply if you have not invested via an authorised financial adviser or if you have invested via an authorised financial adviser but you did not receive any advice.

Where applicable, you will be able to cancel your investment up to a period of 14 days after you receive the cancellation form.

The cancellation form will be sent to you together with your contract note, or acknowledgement letter, on the next business day after your shares have been purchased. This will include more detailed information of when the cancellation period begins and ends, and how to exercise your right to cancel.

If you decide to cancel, you must sign and return the cancellation form (or a written equivalent) to us at the address shown under the ‘ICVC and ISA contact details’ section on this page.

We will reimburse you with any payment we have received from you but where you have made a lump sum investment or transferred an ISA from Another Manager to us, we will deduct the amount by which the value of that investment has fallen (if any), calculated at the next relevant Valuation Point after we receive your cancellation instructions.

Where a payment has been made by debit card the payment of the cancellation proceeds will be made to that debit card.

Where you invest in income shares, the income will be paid to your bank account on the  ICVC fund’s distribution pay date.

Income will only be paid when available and the amount will fluctuate.

A guide to income provides details on which of our ICVC funds pay income and their distribution pay dates.

Yes. We can pay sale proceeds directly into a personal bank account in your name or a joint account which includes your name.

Where an ICVC account is held in joint names, we can pay sale proceeds into a personal bank account in the name of the first named holder or a joint account which includes their name.

Sale proceeds will be normally paid into your bank account three business days after we sell your investment, subject to us being able to verify your bank account details.

In the case of the Invesco Money Fund (UK), your sale proceeds will normally be paid into your bank account one business day after we sell your investment.

No. We don’t make payments to anyone other than the investor, or in the case of joint account holders, to the first named holder. We believe that by making payments in this way, we’re helping to protect account(s) against any fraudulent activity.

We’ll send sale proceeds:

-      by cheque to the investor's registered address, payable only to the investor, or in the case of joint holders to the first named holder; or

-      directly to a personal bank account in the investor's name or a joint account which includes the investor's own name (or where an ICVC account is held in joint names, a personal account in the first named investor's name or a joint account which includes their name).

Sale proceeds will be normally paid into your bank account three business days after we sell your investment, subject to us being able to verify your bank account details.

In the case of the Invesco Money Fund (UK), the proceeds will normally be sent on the first business day after we carry out the investor's instructions.

ICVC and ISA contact details

Details for the Invesco Administration Centre are below. Our phone lines are open from 8.30am to 6pm, Mondays to Fridays (excluding Bank Holidays). Telephone calls may be recorded.


Invesco Administration Centre

PO Box 586



United Kingdom

Investing in other product ranges?

General information about investing and details for making investments into other Invesco product ranges:

  • Investment risks

    The value of investments and any income will fluctuate (this may partly be the result of exchange-rate fluctuations) and investors may not get back the full amount invested. 

    Important information

    This is marketing material and not financial advice. It is not intended as a recommendation to buy or sell any particular asset class, security or strategy. Regulatory requirements that require impartiality of investment/investment strategy recommendations are therefore not applicable nor are any prohibitions to trade before publication.

    Current tax levels and reliefs may change. Depending on individual circumstances, this may affect investment returns.