Introducing the Invesco Global Consumer Trends Fund

Capitalise on the key themes driving consumer spending and invest in the trends that reshape our lives.

Change is the fuel for growth

Technological innovation has ushered in a period of disruption within the consumer sector, where market share is shifting between companies. This is creating new winners and losers, with some of yesteryear’s heroes fading away as new stars rise.

In our opinion, disruption yields opportunities.

What are the opportunities in consumer trends?

Digital revolution

Technology is changing the way we behave as consumers, creating long-term investment opportunities. Participate in the growth of eCommerce, online entertainment, or autonomous vehicles. Think Amazon, Netflix, or Uber: where were they 30 years ago?

Active lifestyles

A growing interest in health and wellbeing has led to an increased uptake in fitness activities. This has led to more demand in athletic wear, which has already benefitted from a greater demand for more comfortable clothes.

A return to experiences

As the world returns to normal after the pandemic, traditional consumer sectors, such as hospitality, could benefit from a strong recovery.

Three reasons to consider the Invesco Global Consumer Trends Fund

The fund managers use a continuous process of identifying companies with high-quality earnings growth and potential for favourable capital appreciation.

While the fund has a focus on online-themes, it’s actively positioned for a post-pandemic return to normal activities in the real world, such as travel and entertainment.

Ido Cohen and Juan Hartsfield have managed the fund for over 10 years.

Access the Invesco Global Consumer Trends product page to view KIDs/KIIDs and factsheets.

The investment concerns the acquisition of units in an actively managed fund and not in a given underlying asset.

Investment risks

  • For complete information on risks, refer to the legal documents. The value of investments and any income will fluctuate (this may partly be the result of exchange rate fluctuations) and investors may not get back the full amount invested. As this fund is invested in a particular sector, you should be prepared to accept greater fluctuations in the value of the fund than for a fund with a broader investment mandate.

Meet the team

The fund is managed by Ido Cohen and Juan Hartsfield, who have been managing the fund for over 10 years.

Technology is changing the way we behave as consumers: it is changing where we shop, how we shop and how we consume media. It is also changing the time we spend to do discretionary things – we can shop whenever we want, and we can consume media whenever we want. These changes are global: they are not confined to the developed markets, they are happening in the emerging markets at the same time – sometimes, at an even faster pace. In our view, being able to see technology drive changes in consumer behaviour on a global scale makes this theme particularly powerful from an investment standpoint.

Ido Cohen, Fund Manager

Fund facts

An active, multi-cap global fund focused on capturing consumer trends driven by changes in standards of living, demographics, and connectivity. The investment team employs a three-pillar approach to the investment process: 1) research-driven security selection applied through fundamental analysis, valuation, and timeliness; 2) portfolio construction determined by consistent diversification practices and strict sell disciplines; 3) risk management and analysis of external thematic factors integrated at every stage of the investment process.

success failure

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The investment universe of the Invesco Global Consumer Trends Fund is broad and diverse, and includes companies across different sectors and geographies that are expected to benefit from trends, such as demographic changes, technological advancements, changing consumer preferences, and urbanisation.

Consumer trends refer to the patterns of behaviour and preferences that consumers exhibit when making purchasing decisions. These trends can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as demographic changes, technological advancements, environmental concerns, and changes in social norms and values.

Some examples of current consumer trends include:

1. Sustainability: Consumers are increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of their purchases and are seeking out sustainable products and services.

2. E-commerce: The rise of e-commerce has led to changes in consumer behaviour, with many consumers now preferring to shop online rather than in physical stores.

3. Health and wellness: Consumers are becoming more health-conscious and are seeking out products that are perceived as healthier or that offer functional benefits.

4. Personalisation: Consumers are looking for personalised products and services that meet their individual needs and preferences.

5. Experience economy: Consumers are seeking out experiences rather than just products, with many prioritising travel and leisure activities over material possessions.

Understanding consumer trends is important for businesses, as it can help them develop products and services that better meet the needs and preferences of their target market.

Important information

  • This marketing communication is for professional investors and qualified clients/sophisticated investors only. Investors should read the legal documents prior to investing. Data as at 30 April 2023, unless otherwise stated. By accepting this material, you consent to communicate with us in English, unless you inform us otherwise. This is marketing material and not financial advice. It is not intended as a recommendation to buy or sell any particular asset class, security or strategy. Regulatory requirements that require impartiality of investment/investment strategy recommendations are therefore not applicable nor are any prohibitions to trade before publication. Whilst the fund manager considers ESG aspects they are not bound by any specific ESG criteria and have the flexibility to invest across the ESG spectrum from best to worst in class. Views and opinions are based on current market conditions and are subject to change. For more information on our funds and the relevant risks, please refer to the share class-specific Key Information Documents/Key Investor Information Documents (available in local language), the financial reports and the Prospectus, available from A summary of investor rights is available in English from The management company may terminate marketing arrangements. Not all share classes of this fund may be available for public sale in all jurisdictions and not all share classes are the same nor do they necessarily suit every investor. If investors are unsure if this product is suitable for them, they should seek advice from a financial adviser.

    EMEA 2927973/2023