
Invesco Global Equities

Explore trends that are driving global growth and how Invesco can help you navigate the opportunities we see ahead.

Woman standing in city street at sunset looking left

Why consider global equities?

No single country has a monopoly on ideas, innovation, or ingenuity. But for many Canadian investors, one single country – Canada – dominates their portfolios. However, as Canada represents only 2.13%1 of global GDP, investors could be missing investment opportunities from around the world. World GDP growth is predominantly from outside the U.S. and Canada2.

Featured products

Product Name





Invesco Global Companies Fund

This mutual fund seeks to achieve strong capital growth over the long term by investing in superior businesses, with strong balance sheets, run by management teams that are aligned with shareholders.


Mutual Fund Fact sheet

Invesco Global Select Equity Fund

Invests in high-quality companies with sustainable competitive advantages. Positions are bought at attractive prices, and given the strategy’s low turnover, these organic growers have the potential to compound economic returns over time.


Mutual Fund

Fact sheet

Invesco Global Balanced Fund

Holds a balanced portfolio of equities, convertible and fixed-income securities issued by governments or corporations worldwide. The fund seeks to provide high total returns through income and strong capital growth. 


Mutual Fund Fact sheet

Invesco Global Dividend Class

Seeks to generate a total return over the long term by investing primarily in dividend-paying equity securities of companies. The Fund targets high-quality companies capable of long-term dividend growth.


Mutual Fund

Fact sheet

Invesco Global Diversified Income Fund

A high conviction, diversified portfolio, with a target of 60% global dividend-paying equities and 40% fixed-income securities


Mutual Fund Fact sheet

Why partner with Invesco?

We understood the importance of global investing early on and continue to seek great opportunities no matter where they originate. We have had a heritage of global investing since 1981 and we offer a range of actively managed equity strategies across global, international, and emerging markets (EM) to help meet investor needs. 

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  • 1

    Source: World Bank. Based on Global Growth in Real GDP (2001-2021). Latest data available.

  • 2

    Source: World Bank (World Development Indicators, July 25, 2023)