
Russian sanctions notice

The aggregate exposure to equities and fixed income in funds and accounts managed by Invesco that are directly tied to Russia, Ukraine or Belarus is very small relative to the overall assets that we manage on behalf of our clients. However the conflict between Russia and Ukraine does have potential consequences. The imposed sanctions, and the threat of further sanctions, may result in the decline of the value and liquidity of Russian securities, a weakening of the ruble, the ability to impact the terms upon which trades can be entered with trading counterparties, and other wider adverse consequences on the Russian economy. This may impair the ability of funds with exposure to Russian securities to trade those securities. Invesco’s policy is to fully comply with all US, CA, EU, UK and other relevant sanctions that are imposed as a result of Russia’s further challenges to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. As always, our focus is on acting as a trusted advisor to clients, particularly in times of market turmoil.

Annual reminder notice