Investment Strategies

Put your clients' cash back to work

Clients fled to cash when yields were high and their risk tolerance was low. Are they ready to put that cash back to work? If they stay in cash too long, they’re exposed to a different set of risks that could derail their long-term portfolio goals. Get them back on track in three steps: Lock in, tune up, and stand out.

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Lock in yields

We expect the Federal Reserve to lower rates at some point, which leaves cash portfolios vulnerable to reinvestment risk. Increasing duration through fixed income strategies can help your clients lock in their yields before that happens. These fixed income investment strategies offer a way to extend duration and lock in yields for longer. 

Tune up portfolios

Don't let the short-term refuge of cash turn into a long-term drag on growth potential. Seek to build strong core portfolios that can help your clients pursue their investment goals in changing market conditions. These investment strategies provide the return potential that a cash-heavy portfolio may be missing.

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When you're ready for a partner, not just a provider, we can connect you with a team focused on your unique needs and situation. 

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