Home office expenses (2023)
In response to the increasing number of individuals working from home due to the pandemic, the CRA had made two alternative methods available to employees wishing to claim home office expenses for the 2020, 2021, and 2022 taxation years: Namely, a simplified version of the “detailed method,” (this required the employer to provide a completed Form T2200, Declaration of Conditions of Employment) and the “temporary flat rate method.” Under the detailed method, the CRA provided a simplified version of the form for employees wishing to only claim home office expenses.
It has been confirmed that the CRA will be removing the option of the temporary flat rate method for 2023, meaning only the detailed method will be available. Additionally, the simplified version of the Form under the detailed method will no longer be available. That said, the CRA has updated the 2023 version of the form to make it easier for employers to complete for employees wishing to only claim home office expenses.
Employers may see an influx of requests for a completed Form T2200, Declaration of Conditions of Employment, from employees wishing to claim eligible home office expenses.
New Multigenerational Home Renovation Tax Credit (2023+)
A new refundable tax credit known as the Multigenerational Home Renovation Tax Credit is applicable to the 2023 and subsequent tax years. The tax credit is in respect of work performed and paid for and/or goods acquired on or after January 1, 2023.
The credit is targeted for renovations and expenses up to $50,000, which equates to up to $7,500 in tax credits. Generally, a qualifying expenditure is a renovation or alteration of, or addition to, an eligible dwelling that is of an enduring nature and integral to the home and is undertaken to enable the individual to reside in the dwelling with a relative by establishing a secondary unit for occupancy.
The 2023 T1 return includes a new line (Line 45355) and schedule (Schedule 12) for claiming the new multigenerational home renovation tax credit.
Property flipping and deeming provisions (2023+)
Property flipping is the act of buying real estate for the purpose of reselling it at a profit a short time later. Existing tax rules may treat profits from property flipping as fully taxable income, as opposed to capital gains. Existing rules also prohibit property flippers from claiming the principal residence exemption (PRE) on the sale of a flipped property.
The Department of Finance had concerns that some property flippers were incorrectly reporting sales as capital gains and/or claiming the PRE. As a result, the 2022 Budget introduced amendments that automatically deem profits from the resale of residential properties within 12 months of purchase as fully taxable income. Further, the rules preclude the seller from claiming the PRE. This rule will apply to the sale of residential properties on or after January 1, 2023.
There will be exceptions to the deeming rule if a property is sold within 12 months for any of the following reasons: Death, additions of members to the same household, separation, personal safety concerns, disability or illness, employment change, insolvency, or involuntary dispositions (for example, if a natural disaster were to force the owner to relocate).
Denial of expense deductions for short-term rentals (2024+)
Budget 2023 introduced Federal changes that will deny the use of income tax deductions for expenses incurred to earn short-term rental income, such as interest expenses, in provinces and municipalities that have prohibited short-term rentals. Further, this denial will apply when short-term rental operators are not compliant with the applicable provincial or municipal licensing, permitting, or registration requirements. The change hopes to convert short-term rental units into long-term rental units, thereby increasing the supply of units in a competitive and pricey housing market. The changes took effect on January 1, 2024.
New Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) 2023+
The AMT has been in place since 1986 and was designed to prevent individuals from making disproportionate use of preferential tax treatments and to ensure a certain amount of tax remains payable despite targeted tax benefits being claimed.
AMT requires a separate tax calculation to be conducted along with an individual’s regular income tax calculations by taking into consideration certain tax-preferred treatments or deductions that an individual claimed in the tax year. In other words, the regular taxable income is recalculated based on a different set of assumptions to arrive at an adjusted taxable income for AMT purposes; this re-establishes the “AMT income base” for which the AMT tax can be calculated. This alternative calculation involves the add-back of specific targeted deductions to taxable income otherwise determined under the regular method and excludes certain tax credits otherwise available.
Under the previous AMT rules, an individual (other than a trust) was entitled to a basic exemption of $40,000 when determining the adjusted taxable income under the AMT calculation. Instead of the progressive tax rates used in regular tax calculations, a flat rate of 15% is used to calculate the minimum tax payable. If the calculated AMT is greater than the regular tax otherwise payable, the individual must pay the AMT. The excess of AMT over the regular tax otherwise payable may be carried forward for up to seven years and recovered against regular taxes, subject to certain limitations.
With Budget 2023, many proposals to the AMT were introduced. Firstly, there was a broadening of the base to which income will be subject. As AMT intends to target high income earning individuals, the base exemption from which AMT applies is from the fourth income tax bracket. For 2023, that is $165,431, and for 2024 it is $173,205.
Secondly, there are limits to various tax preferences in the form of deductions, exemptions, and credits. For instance, the regular income tax inclusion rate for capital gains is 50%. Under the previous AMT regime, the inclusion rate increases to 80%, and with the new AMT regime, capital gains will be fully included as income at 100%, putting them on the same footing as interest income. The same will be true for a donation of publicly donated securities. Where securities are donated in kind to a registered charity, the inclusion rate for capital gains is reduced from a regular rate of 50% to 0%. Under the new AMT regime, the capital gains inclusion rate will increase to 30%.
Finally, there is an increase to the AMT tax rate from which adjusted income will be taxed, increasing from 15% to 20.50%. With the new adjustments to the initial proposed AMT regime as announced in Budget 2023, the AMT regime targets higher net worth individuals, and it will require careful examination of various deductions and exemptions claimed in the year to determine if AMT is payable under the new regime.
Enhanced Trust Reporting (2023+)
All trusts with a taxation year ending after December 30, 2023, must now be compliant with the new enhanced trust reporting requirements starting in 2023. Specifically, the new trust reporting rules will apply to express trusts, bare trusts, and, for civil law purposes, a trust that is other than a trust established by law or by judgement. Certain exemptions to the enhanced reporting requirements are permitted, provided certain conditions are met.
The new rules require trusts to obtain beneficial ownership information on an annual basis to be reported on the new tax schedule, T3SCH15, Beneficial Ownership Information on Trust. Previously, trusts that were not required to file a Trust income tax return will now be required to do so, including bare trusts.
On bare trusts specifically, given the nature of the changes and reporting requirements, the CRA announced that it would waive the late-filling penalty for the 2023 taxation year for bare trusts only as a temporary administrative measure. The filing deadline for the 2023 taxation year is March 30, 2024. However, since March 30, 2024, falls on the Saturday of Easter weekend, the returns will be due on Tuesday, April 2, 2024. Note, however, that the CRA reserves the right to charge penalties for failures to file by the deadline if that failure is made knowingly or due to gross negligence.
FATCA/CRS enhanced compliance regime (2023+)
The last several years have seen some significant changes to the CRA guidance on the Foreign Account Tax Compliant Act (FATCA) and Common Reporting Standards (CRS). The increased compliance will likely materialize in more frequent correspondences across financial institutions with respect to the client’s tax residency status as it pertains to their non-registered investments. Reporting institutions will be looking for a status confirmation (i.e., either “non-reportable” or “reportable”) concerning all new non-registered accounts in the client name, including pre-existing accounts that have experienced a change in circumstances.
Further information on these changes can be obtained by contacting the Invesco Tax & Estate InfoService.