Invesco Strategic ETF Tax Aware
These diversified portfolios target specific levels of risk and return using ETFs, while also providing exposure to tax-exempt income with high credit quality.
Built using top-rated ETFs from Invesco and rigorously vetted third-party managers, providing access to global expertise in every segment.
Provides exposure to tax-exempt income with high credit quality.
Broad exposure across asset classes, factors, and managers.
Target your optimal risk level
The Invesco Strategic ETF Tax Aware Series offers Offers core ETF portfolios designed using strategic long-term asset class allocations based on our long-term capital market assumptions. The lineup includes a range of potential solutions to suit an investor’s risk profile and return objective, while also providing exposure to tax-exempt income with high credit quality. See the holdings overview of the entire series' lineup or access the fact sheet for each individual portfolio:
Model name | Equity holding | Fixed income holding | Documents |
Invesco Strategic ETF Tax Aware 0/100 Portfolio | 0% | 100% | N/A |
Invesco Strategic ETF Tax Aware 10/90 Portfolio | 10% | 90% | N/A |
Invesco Strategic ETF Tax Aware 20/80 Portfolio | 20% | 80% | Fact sheet |
Invesco Strategic ETF Tax Aware 30/70 Portfolio | 30% | 70% | Fact sheet |
Invesco Strategic ETF Tax Aware 40/60 Portfolio | 40% | 60% | Fact sheet |
Invesco Strategic ETF Tax Aware 50/50 Portfolio | 50% | 50% | Fact sheet |
Invesco Strategic ETF Tax Aware 60/40 Portfolio | 60% | 40% | Fact sheet |
Invesco Strategic ETF Tax Aware 70/30 Portfolio | 70% | 30% | Fact sheet |
Invesco Strategic ETF Tax Aware 80/20 Portfolio | 80% | 20% | Fact sheet |
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Invesco Dynamic Active/Passive
Offers core portfolios of mutual funds and ETFs designed using strategic long-term asset class allocations based on our long-term capital market assumptions combined with our shorter-term/tactical asset allocation process.
Explore model portfolios
We offer a range of efficient solutions to help build a core portfolio for a targeted level of risk or complement your core with specific exposures.
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