Invesco Dynamic U.S. Factor Rotation
This US core equity model seeks to outperform by dynamically allocating to various factors depending on macroeconomic signals and market regimes.
Provides tactical, managed exposure to five core factors—size, value, momentum, low-volatility, and quality.
Follows a 100% systematic process driven by leading economic indicators and global risk appetite.
Built with special-purpose Invesco ETFs designed specifically to capture factor exposures.
Access the power of factor dynamics across the macroeconomic cycle
The Invesco Dynamic U.S. Factor Rotation portfolio is designed to offer a cost-effective core U.S. equity solution based on tactical management of factor exposures dynamically driven by the macroeconomic cycle. See the portfolio fact sheet:
Model name | Duration | Documents |
Invesco Dynamic U.S. Factor Rotation Portfolio | Factor Rotation | Fact sheet |
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