BulletShares Corporate
These portfolios provide customized corporate bond ladders tailored to specific maturity profiles, risk preferences, and investment goals.
Designed to be evergreen across four maturity bands from three to 10 years.
Generate interest income potential and manage interest rate risk without spending excessive time managing a ladder.
Constructed from carefully selected, low-cost single-maturity ETFs with no overlay fees.
Extend your investment range with managed corporate bond ladders
The BulletShares Corporate series offers investors a cost-effective and convenient approach to corporate bond laddering without the burden of ladder maintenance. These portfolios can complement an existing allocation or act as a stand-alone corporate bond allocation. See the holdings overview of the entire series' lineup or access the fact sheet for each individual portfolio:
Model name | Duration | Documents |
Invesco BulletShares Corporate 0-3 Year Portfolio | 0-3 year | Fact sheet |
Invesco BulletShares Corporate 0-5 Year Portfolio | 0-5 year | Fact sheet |
Invesco BulletShares Corporate 0-7 Year Portfolio | 0-7 year | Fact sheet |
Invesco BulletShares Corporate 0-10 Year Portfolio | 0-10 year | Fact sheet |
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BulletShares Municipal
Offers investors a cost-effective and convenient approach to municipal bond laddering without the burden of ladder maintenance.
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