New Business Development

Refine your client presentation skills

Boardroom presenting
Key takeaways
The challenge

Delivering impactful, influential presentations are key to your practice and may create a lasting impression.

Our solution

Create clear, concise, compelling, and coordinated presentations for important client meetings.

Our program

"Boardroom Presenting," our business-building program, aims to help you refine and maximize your presentations.

The challenge: Delivering impactful, influential presentations

Presenting to high-value clients – either one-on-one, on a stage, or in a boardroom — is key to your business. Our research revealed that presenting in a boardroom is the most challenging of all. We’re here to help. Our program aims to help you refine your delivery skills for high-stakes presentations to high-net-worth clients and institutions so that your message is clear, concise, compelling, and most importantly – coordinated.

Invesco Global Consulting teamed up with word specialist and political consulting firm, Maslansky + Partners, to use their unique, instant dial-response technology. It tracks how people respond to certain words and shows what resonates with them — what works and what doesn’t. The result: our business-building program, "Boardroom Presenting."

Our solution: Clear, concise, compelling, and coordinated presentations

Our interactive program covers preparation tactics, seating strategies, presentation skills, group presentation techniques, and words to "use" — and "lose" — for important high-stakes client meetings.

  1. Create a first impression
    A client-centered opener (CCO) may help ensure that attendees know the meeting is centered around their needs.  
  2. Tell your story
    Successful team presentations mean preparing, practicing, and coordinating individual presentations and speakers.
  3. End with a strong close
    Create a lasting impression by concluding the presentation with a research-driven and potential benefits-based close.

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