Invesco Global Consulting

Macro four-room business analysis

Macro four-room business analysis

No team nor its members is likely capable of turning failure into success — either individually or collectively. However, by putting in the proper structure, systems, roles, and responsibilities, there is potential to turn "good to great," to coin a phrase. This step is built to allow prospective teams and team members to "look under the hood" of their prospective partners' businesses with the goal of ensuring that the practices meet their standards of structure and performance.

  FP1 FP2 FP3
Revenue quintile      

Asset quintile


Client acquisitions (number of client and average assets)


Client attrition (number of clients and average assets)


Number of boards and/or service organization memberships




Book affluence level (% over 1M)



Personal insights and/or behavioral finance questionnaire completed



Percentage of clients with a comprehensive financial plan completed



Plan implementation: Households with 4+ products and services



Percentage of fee-based revenue



Average fee basis point




Qualitative and quantitative client segmentation completed




Service stratification completed (personalized, customized, and generic)




Exceptional semiannual client recognition event




Comprehensive annual review that provides philosophical framework, historical context, goal mapping, and tactical adjustments






Number of households per relationship manager



Scheduling, meeting notes, personal client data and insights, and all important team member and client events captured in our CRM



Daily huddles



Weekly strategy meetings



Semiannual developmental meetings


success failure

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