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Gearing up for retirement

How can better language help people set the right pace for their retirement and support them as they consider their options?

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Let's help people take the right steps to a well-planned retirement

Working together with Nest Insight, we've looked into the language of defined contribution pensions to provide practical steps on how you can help people in their 50s and 60s avoid making snap decisions, and instead make the right choices to give them the retirement they want.

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    In Gearing up for retirement, we speak to 11 industry experts, 8 Nest members and over 1,500 UK pension savers to understand how people nearing retirement talk about their retirement options, and give you practical ways to get them engaging with their pension.

Shifting barriers to engagement

Through our research, we've gained a richer understanding of the stumbling blocks older workers face in preparing for retirement. Common barriers that those nearing retirement face, include:

Positive messages for change

In Gearing up for retirement, we uncover the key themes that help support people nearing retirement, and provide examples of how they can be adapted to your own pre-retirement messaging.

Optimised communications led to striking changes

These messages, when tested among 1,500 pension savers in their 50s and early 60s, resulted in a significant positive impact on people’s intentions and outlook:
  • 64% increase in the number of people planning on arranging a call with a free government pensions advice service or speaking to a financial advisor
  • 57% increase in the number of people that feel in control of their pension savings
  • 48% increase in the number of people who intend to use online tools and resources like calculators or advice forums
  • 34% increase in the number of people who said they were rethinking the age at which they will retire
  • 19% increase in the number of people who disagree with the idea of withdrawing their pension savings as soon as possible.
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    Download the report today

    In Gearing up for retirement, we speak to 11 industry experts, 8 Nest members and over 1,500 UK pension savers to understand how people nearing retirement talk about their retirement options, and give you practical ways to get them engaging with their pension.

Dive deeper: watch the replay of our research discussion webinar

Related research

This study is the third of a series of three studies produced in partnership with Nest Insight. To find out more about our previous reports into the language of pensions, please click on the links below.

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About our project partner

Established by the UK government as part of its auto enrolment initiative, Nest is one of the world’s fastest growing pension schemes with 8 million members and counting. Nest Insight is a collaborative research unit set up by Nest Corporation to help understand and address the challenges facing Nest members and other defined contribution savers. Working in partnership with industry, academics and policy makers around the globe, their mission is to understand and address the challenges facing defined contribution savers.

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  • The value of investments and any income will fluctuate (this may partly be the result of exchange rate fluctuations) and investors may not get back the full amount invested.

Important information

  • Where individuals or the business have expressed opinions, they are based on current market conditions, they may differ from those of other investment professionals and are subject to change without notice.