Introducing the Invesco Sustainable UK Companies Fund (UK)
Sustainable investing

Introducing the Invesco Sustainable UK Companies Fund (UK)

A core UK equity allocation for a new era of sustainable investment.

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At a glance

Putting sustainability front and centre

In prioritising sustainability over all stylistic factors such as value and growth, we strive to create attractive long-term return potential for our clients.

Progress, not just perfection

We invest in sustainability leaders, enablers and improvers. We actively engage to bring about change, exercising our voting rights and carrying out around 500 company meetings each year.  

What makes this fund different?

Our approach looks at more than simple ESG factors. To assess whether a company is truly sustainable we look at three different areas of focus:

  • Environmental and social sustainability
  • Financial and governance sustainability
  • Valuation sustainability

It’s about ensuring companies are here for tomorrow as well as today.

Want to know more about the fund? Take a look at the Invesco Sustainable UK Companies Fund (UK) product page.

Third-party ESG ratings are often backward-looking and gaps and inconsistencies in the data can skew analysis.

Our robust scoring system uses best-in class data and proprietary research to bring clarity to environmental, social, governance, financial and valuation factors and to identify opportunity in misunderstood and mispriced companies.

Tim Marshall, who manages the fund, has 20 years of investment experience and is well supported by the wider UK Equities Team.

Within the team, there are two specialists dedicated to corporate governance and voting. They work closely with Tim to identify and consider governance issues and to engage with companies to effect change. Tim is also supported by a dedicated analyst.

The team can also draw on the support of Invesco’s Global ESG Team. 


Sustainable investment policy

Download the policy to find out what the fund manager means by “sustainable”. We also run through the four stages of the investment process.

Download policy

We believe that acting as a responsible steward of capital will create long-term value for clients and bring sustainable benefits for the economy, the environment and society.

Tim Marshall

Strategy facts

We are active shareholders, carrying out around 500 company meetings per year. This allows us to gain insight into potential investments and to hold management teams’ feet to the fire on the issues that matter most to our clients. We actively exercise our voting rights. In 2021, we voted 100% of ballots.

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Investment risks

  • The value of investments and any income will fluctuate (this may partly be the result of exchange rate fluctuations) and you may not get back the full amount invested. Over time, inflation may erode the value of investments.


    The use of ESG criteria may affect the Fund’s investment performance and the Fund therefore may perform differently compared to similar products that do not screen investment opportunities against ESG criteria.


    The Fund may use derivatives (complex instruments) in an attempt to reduce the overall risk of its investments, reduce the costs of investing and/or generate additional capital or income, although this may not be achieved. The use of such complex instruments may result in greater fluctuations of the value of the Fund. The Manager, however, will ensure that the use of derivatives within the Fund does not materially alter the overall risk profile of the Fund. Such derivatives may not be aligned with the Fund’s ESG screening criteria.

Important information

  • All data is provided as at 31 December 2021, sourced from Invesco unless otherwise stated.


    This is marketing material and not intended as a recommendation to buy or sell any particular asset class, security or strategy. Regulatory requirements that require impartiality of investment/investment strategy recommendations are therefore not applicable nor are any prohibitions to trade before publication.


    Where individuals or the business have expressed opinions, they are based on current market conditions, they may differ from those of other investment professionals and are subject to change without notice.


    For the most up to date information on our funds, please refer to the relevant fund and share class-specific Key Investor Information Documents/Key Information Documents, the Supplementary Information Document, the Annual or Interim Reports and the Prospectus, which are available using the contact details shown.