This changed in 2022. Higher interest rates meant that the high yield bond market had to adjust to remain competitive. The price of these low coupon bonds fell below face value, and new bonds were issued at much higher coupons.
What this means for the portfolio
The Invesco Bond Income Plus portfolio is built on fundamental credit research, which involves examining a company's financial statements and broader economic indicators to uncover a security's intrinsic value and bond selection. We are wary of the re-financing risk faced by many high yield corporate bond issuers, and we have reduced exposure to that part of the market. But that does not mean we will avoid it altogether.
I think these risks can bring opportunities at the level of individual companies. High yield bond companies will have to pay more interest. That is not a bad thing, especially if you are the creditor (the owner of the bond)! It is great news for the ability of the portfolio to generate income into the future. Nevertheless, some companies will struggle in this environment. We will be aiming to avoid them through careful credit assessment. Others will be able to manage.
We have already seen good companies coming to the market and paying coupons several percentage points higher than when they borrowed a few years ago. We were happy to invest and to get those coupons. For companies issuing high-yield bonds, the extra expense of issuing bonds at higher interest rates may outweigh any gain from higher earnings in an environment where growth is stronger and interest rates remain high.But through active management we can add good coupons to the Investment trust, where we have confidence in the ability of the issuers to pay.