UK Equities Product Director

Neville Pike


Neville is a product director for the UK & European Equities team, responsible for representing the team's investment strategies to investors.

He started his career in 1983 as a chartered accountant with Arthur Andersen, spending 16 years in offices in the UK and the US, and becoming a partner in the firm. Neville subsequently worked in equity research at CSFB, achieving number one rankings in Institutional Investor’s Pan European survey of sell-side analysts. In 2005, he moved to the buy-side, joining Oechsle International Advisors as a principal and senior research analyst. 

Neville joined Invesco in March 2018 as a product director for the UK Equities team.

Neville holds a BA in Industrial Economics from the University of Nottingham and is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.


Job title: UK Equities Product Director
In group: 6 Years
Experience: 41 Years
Location: Henley-on-Thames
Team: UK Equities