
ETF strategies

Explore how our ETFs can be cost-effective tools for building strong, tax-efficient portfolios that help you invest in new possibilities for your clients.

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Explore our ETF and ETP capabilities

Our exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and exchange-traded products (ETPs) can help you build customized portfolios with precision and confidence whether you seek growth, income, diversification, volatile market navigation, or innovative opportunities.


Pathway through a city

Fixed income

An expansive suite of index-based and actively managed ETFs that can help clients reach their investing goals.

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Shipping container


Investing in commodities comes with several benefits during periods of inflation and supply & demand imbalances.

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People using virtual reality devices

Innovation Suite

Invesco and Nasdaq are pioneers in innovative solutions, partnering together to help people access the world’s most groundbreaking companies in pursuit of their financial goals.

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BulletShares ETFs provide targeted exposure to investment grade and high yield corporate bonds as well as municipal bonds.

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Office building with windows

Smart beta

Explore the potential benefits of smart beta investing with targeted factor exposure to help drive returns in a transparent and cost-effective way.

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River in valley

Sustainable investing

Learn more about our sustainable product lineup and discover investments that best meet the needs of your portfolio.

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digital asset etfs

Digital assets

Get exposure to bitcoin, Ether, and other digital assets using a familiar investment vehicle that's easy to own and trade.

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View all ETFs and ETPs

Possibilities are everywhere. We offer more than 200 products to help investors meet their diverse needs and goals.


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Man waiting for train

Invesco ETFs
Income Advantage ETFs

QQA, RSPA, and EFAA combine income-generating options with some of the world’s best-known stock indexes.

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ETFs by investing goals

No matter what your clients are looking to achieve, our ETFs can help you build customized portfolios with precision and confidence.


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    Tracking error is defined as the expected standard deviation of a portfolio’s excess return over the benchmark index return.

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    Investors should be aware of the material diff erences between mutual fundsand ETFs. ETFs generally have lower expenses than actively managed mutualfunds due to their diff erent management styles. Most ETFs are passivelymanaged and are structured to track an index, whereas many mutual fundsare actively managed and thus have higher management fees. Unlike ETFs,actively managed mutual funds have the ability react to market changes andthe potential to outperform a stated benchmark. Since ordinary brokeragecommissions apply for each ETF buy and sell transaction, frequent tradingactivity may increase the cost of ETFs. ETFs can be traded throughout the day, whereas, mutual funds are traded only once a day. While extrememarket conditions could result in illiquidity for ETFs. Typically they are stillmore liquid than most traditional mutual funds because they trade onexchanges. Investors should talk with their financial professional regardingtheir situation before investing.

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    A limit order is an order to buy a stock at or below a specified price, or to sell a stock at or above a specified price. A stop order is an order to buy or sell at the market when a definite price is reached, either above (on a buy) or below (on a sell) the price that prevailed when the order was given. Source: Nasdaq.