Our Products

Creating sustainable building blocks

At Invesco, we believe sustainable solutions can be incorporated across all asset classes and that incorporating ESG factors into the investment process is essential to creating sustainable value and mitigating risk.

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Invesco Dividend Aristocrats ESG ETFs

Invesco’s Dividend Aristocrats ESG ETFs focus on applying very stringent screens to build off indexes of companies with a track record of consistent or consistently growing dividends. Companies that meet these dividend requirements are relatively rare with businesses that are traditionally well-established and stable. The power of these Aristocrat Indexes may help meet your total return objectives.

Potential benefits:
  • History of dividend growth
  • Potential buffer against market volatility
  • Integrate ESG principles into your core investment strategy

Invesco S&P ESG Index ETF Series

The Invesco S&P ESG Index ETF Series offers offeres investors access to sustainable investment around the globe. The S&P 500 ESG Index and other such indeices seeks to address the opportunity for an index that integrates ESG principles while offering benchmark-like performance. Intentionally broad, these ESG indices reflect many of the attributes of their underlying parent indices, while providing an improved sustainability profile.

Potential benefits:
  • Integrates ESG principles into core investment strategy
  • Core exposure to large-cap stocks
  • Access to cost-effective investment options as a long-term core holding in your portfolio

Invesco S&P ESG Tilted Index ETF Series

The S&P ESG Tilted Indices measure the performance of securities in an underlying index that meet the sustainability criteria. The indices attempt to improve S&P DJI ESG Score exposure with respect to the underlying index by overweighting/underweighting companies with relatively high/low S&P DJI ESG Scores.

Potential benefits:
  • Integrates ESG principles into core investment strategy
  • Core exposure to large-cap stocks
  • Access to cost-effective investment options as a long-term core holding in your portfolio

Invesco NASDAQ ESG strategies

Get access to groundbreaking companies in the Nasdaq while incorporating additional ESG screening criteria with our two new ETFs. Our Invesco ESG NASDAQ 100 Index ETF and Invesco ESG NASDAQ Next Gen 100 Index ETF give you greater options.

Potential advantages:
  • Integrate ESG principles into core investment strategy
  • Core exposure to innovative companies
  • Access to cost-effective investment options as a long-term core holding in your portfolio

Invesco fixed income ESG strategies

Invesco ESG Canadian Core Plus Bond ETF and Invesco ESG Global Bond ETF are actively managed by the Invesco Fixed Income team. Both ETFs can be a core fixed income holding in any investment portfolio.

Potential advantages:
  • Competitive management fee
  • Actively managed by a proven investment-grade management team
  • Global reach with 30+ years of global ESG investing