Client Service

How to keep your best clients

Business people discussing ideas
Key takeaways
The challenge

Retaining your best clients is important. That why it’s not just the clients you win; it’s the clients you keep. 

Our solution

Focusing on what matters to clients — a relationship and service — may help you retain them.

Our program

"The Golden Hour," our business-building program, shares how to use a "golden" touch designed to help you keep at-risk clients.

The challenge: Retaining your best clients

It’s not the clients you win; it’s the clients you keep.

The last thing you want to do is lose your most important clients. Unfortunately, nearly three-quarters (72%) of financial professionals lose one top client a year — and 61% of them were surprised by the loss.1 Performance wasn't the problem for most. The relationship — or lack of one — and the impression that service was simply not there were the predominant reasons.1

There’s a window of opportunity to connect with clients who may be at risk of leaving. We call it the “golden hour,” which is a photography term that refers to the time of day with the perfect light to take a picture. Our business-building program, "The Golden Hour," shares how to use a “golden” touch designed to help you keep at-risk clients.

Our solution: Focus on what matters

A relationship and service are important to clients. "The Golden Hour" provides guidance on how to focus on what matters most to each of your clients.

1. Prioritize personal contact
The more personal, the more powerful. Mass emails, newsletters, and performance updates don’t count.

2. Pursue concerns
Show you care. Identify and solve any problems. Your clients will appreciate and feel respected.

3. Know what clients want
Clearly understand what clients are expecting from you and how you can deliver on their expectations.

Learn more


  • 1

    Source: Study of 405 financial professionals, as conducted by R,A, Prince & Associates, Inc, under proprietary contract of Invesco Global Consulting during the second half of 2015. Used with permission.

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