Imprint for Austria
Disclosure requirements in accordance with § 25 MedienG (Media Act) and information requirements in accordance with the E-Commerce Act (ECG)
Proprietor and publisher:
Invesco Asset Management Österreich
Zweigniederlassung der Invesco Asset Management Deutschland GmbH
Postal address and company headquarters:
Rotenturmstrasse 16-18, 1010 Vienna
Contact details:
Tel.: +43 1 316 20 0
Company registration number and commercial registry:
FN 454191 d, Commercial Court Vienna
VAT identification number:
Regulatory authority:
FMA Österreich (Austrian Financial Market Authority)
Chamber of commerce:
Wirtschaftskammer Wien, Information and Consulting/Financial Services Section, Stubenring 8-10, 1010 Vienna
Applicable legal provisions:
Austrian Investment Fund Act (InvFG) 2011, Securities Supervision Act (WAG) 2007
The current versions of the applicable legal provisions are available at
Business activities:
Financial services, portfolio management, sale of investment funds
Permanent representatives:
Mag. Michael Wurzl, Mag. Markus Poscher
Ownership structure:
“Invesco Asset Management Österreich – Zweigniederlassung der Invesco Asset Management Deutschland GmbH” is a subsidiary of Invesco Asset Management Deutschland GmbH.
Invesco Asset Management Deutschland GmbH
An der Welle 5
D-60322 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49 (0) 69 29807-0 (general enquiries)
Fax: +49 (0) 69 29807-552
Managing directors: Oliver Bilal, Paul Dumitrescu, Erhard Radatz, Andrew Rofe
Commercial registry: Frankfurt/Main, HRB 28469
VAT identification number: DE 813530501
Regulatory authority: Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin)