
Seed Residential Portfolio – Tokyo, Japan

About the asset

A portfolio of four residential buildings in desirable locations throughout Tokyo, from the temple district of Asakusa, to the sports and parks district of Nakano Minamidai, and the centrally located and well served Gakugeidaigaku and Nishimagome. Two of the four assets are brand new, having been completed in 2021. 

Cosmos Gracia Asakusa
Building Name Building Height Completion Date
Cosmos Gracia Asakusa 9 storey Completed 2005
Cosmos Gracia Gakugeidaigaku 4 storey Completed 2021
Cosmos Gracia Nakano Minamidai 4 storey Completed 2021
Cosmos REID Nishimagome 15 storey Completed 2020