Head of EMEA Equities and UK & European Equities Fund Manager John Surplice
MA (Honours) in Economics
This fund aims to exploit market inefficiencies across Europe in areas where there is positive change such as a beneficial restructuring, digitalisation or decarbonisation.
See all product detailsSentiment towards Europe is extremely low. After years of depressed activity, many investors are concerned about the lack of growth and political cohesion. Valuations reflect this negative viewpoint and are broadly very low, in some cases extremely so. It is this combination of low expectations and low valuations that is the opportunity: If expectations are positively exceeded, even if only marginally, the upside for investors could be significant.
We believe the market struggles to value companies undergoing change. Our success comes from exploiting those valuation anomalies where there is the potential and willingness to change for the better and we call this approach ‘Quality Transition’. This requires a combination of rigorous investment analysis, discipline, patience and engagement. The product of this approach is a diversified strategy that generates long-term alpha and screens as ‘value’.
Correctly anticipating material changes and the likelihood of these changes coming to fruition are key to the investment process.
To be successful requires an in-depth understanding of company and industry fundamentals as well as being prepared to invest for the long term.
Engaging with companies is a critical component in understanding change. Collaboration and challenge are key to how we engage as a team.
Access the Invesco Pan European Equity Fund product page to view KIDs/KIIDs and factsheets. The investment concerns the acquisition of units in an actively managed fund and not in a given underlying asset.
For complete information on risks, refer to the legal documents. The value of investments and any income will fluctuate (this may partly be the result of exchange-rate fluctuations) and investors may not get back the full amount invested.
John Surplice and James Rutland manage the fund’s stock selection. John has nearly 30 years of investments experience and has been managing funds for over 20 years. James has over 15 years investments experience and has been managing money for eight. The investment team has extensive knowledge of local markets and a track record of identifying companies with attractive return potential.
We employ an active, bottom-up investment approach focusing on companies that are willing and able to change for the better and targeting the best mix of individual risk/reward opportunities.
Contrary to much of the highly negative sentiment in the markets currently, we believe that the scene is being set for a stronger macroeconomic backdrop in Europe; yes, the overall picture is complicated and not helped by politics, but the underlying data is slowly encouraging. Inventory levels are bouncing along the bottom suggesting the next stage will be re-stocking; interest rates are coming down from their highs and so corporate loan demand is increasing and the supply side is easing; at the consumer level, mortgage demand and supply is also improving; European consumers have also enjoyed a year of real wage growth which, together with the current high savings rates, gives them spending power for when their confidence returns – this is important for an economy where the consumer accounts for over 50% of GDP. As consumer spending picks up, so will corporate confidence improve and capex there likely grow, too, and so the circularity continues.
This outlook of macroeconomic improvement (admittedly from very low levels) would be a supportive backdrop for our Quality Transition approach, that is investing in companies that are able and willing to change for the better. Valuations are a key component of our investment process and there are many opportunities in the European equities space whose Quality Transition characteristics have been over-looked by the markets and so are extremely attractively valued.
Positive change for a company is often closely aligned with and affected by market cycles and, given the improving outlook described above, the strategy is strongly positioned for cyclical recovery in order to benefit. Ultimately, however, it is the combination of low expectations and low valuations which is so interesting here – it would only take a marginal positive surprise for many European names to see meaningful earnings upgrades and so share price performance. This is the opportunity for active investors in European equities.
We prefer a ‘quality transition’ (good companies to great companies) approach over a compounders (great companies that stay great) approach and over a macro approach (trying to time the market). This is because our analysis suggests that Quality Transition generates greater returns over the long-term.
We continuously analyse the European markets for valuations that we believe do not reflect the future prospects of the underlying companies. A key component of this research includes three-year IRR analysis for every portfolio holding and large index stock.
We have no preconceived style bias towards stocks, sectors or countries, rather we look for the best investments at any point in time.
You can invest in the European stock market by investing in actively managed mutual funds or exchange traded funds (ETFs). Invesco offers a broad range of actively managed funds and ETFs.
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Data as at 30.11.2024, unless otherwise stated. This is marketing material and not financial advice. It is not intended as a recommendation to buy or sell any particular asset class, security or strategy. Regulatory requirements that require impartiality of investment/investment strategy recommendations are therefore not applicable nor are any prohibitions to trade before publication. Views and opinions are based on current market conditions and are subject to change. For information on our funds and the relevant risks, refer to the Key Information Documents/Key Investor Information Documents (local languages) and Prospectus (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian), and the financial reports, available from www.invesco.eu. A summary of investor rights is available in English from www.invescomanagementcompany.lu. The management company may terminate marketing arrangements. Not all share classes of this fund may be available for public sale in all jurisdictions and not all share classes are the same nor do they necessarily suit every investor.
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