Factor Investing Invesco Global Factor Investing Study 2020
The study uncovers the strategies and views of factor investors across the globe. Download it to learn more.
Knowledge is power. At their most basic level, factors are quantifiable characteristics that can help explain the risk and returns of a given asset or portfolio. This is true whether or not a factor-based investment approach is used, which is why investors are increasingly looking to understand and manage their factor exposures explicitly.
Factor-based strategies may provide investors with the ability to achieve specific outcomes, including long-term adoption, in an attempt to improve risk-adjusted returns or tactically to express a market view.
Factors are an inherent component of all investment portfolios and, we believe, should be considered a core component of understanding and constructing portfolios. By extending the analysis of the portfolio beyond asset classes to include factor exposures, investors or their advisors have more useful information to better understand risks, evaluate investment options and formulate an investment strategy.
When determining how much to invest in specialist factor strategies, investors should first evaluate existing factor exposures, and, second, test the effectiveness of exposure changes in light of investment objectives.
Factor-based portfolios can use a combination of single-factor or multi-factor strategies. Multi-factor strategies attempt to create diversified factor exposure and improve efficiency by simultaneously evaluating securities across multiple criteria. Single-factor strategies often provide higher degrees of investor control, while multi-factor strategies give more flexibility to the investment manager.
Regardless of whether investors pursue a single or multi-factor approach, factor strategies can be implemented in concert with market-cap weighted passive index strategies and with traditional fundamental active strategies. Consider the following four approaches for using factors to help deliver desired investor outcomes.
In summary, factor investing is a well-founded systematic approach that can be complementary to other strategies. Understanding the factor exposure in a portfolio improves clarity, enabling more informed decision making. By customising implementation strategies to desired outcomes, investors can unlock the true power of factor investing.