Green Living (Cantonese version only)
Every small changes in your daily life could be aggregated as a massive green force. Discover how to start green living from every aspects of your daily life.
Every small changes in your daily life could be aggregated as a massive green force. Discover how to start green living from every aspects of your daily life.
While enjoying life, how can we reduce the Earth's carbon emissions? In order to achieve the ideal blueprint of "net-zero emissions," countries and governments are actively promoting renewable energy towards the net-zero transition. Let's explore more immediately!
In recent years, governments and large corporations worldwide have frequently mentioned "net-zero emissions". What does "net-zero emissions" represent, and how can we achieve it? Let’s get to know more about what it is and how we could make it happen.
In this video we examine eight key areas of environmental risks to investments.
Social has traditionally been the least prominent element of ESG, but is now becoming a more important factor for companies and investors. It covers how organisations interact with stakeholders, clients, employees, suppliers, communities and society as a whole. In this video we examine the five key areas covered by Social.
Governance can be thought of as the bedrock of ESG, as a company’s commitment to Environmental and Social factors stem from its commitment to Governance. It’s how companies organize themselves and establish the responsibilities, rights and expectations of stakeholders, ensuring that these investor interests are met. In this video we examine the five key areas covered by Governance.
In past pension webinar, we invited investment experts to share their perspectives on market trends, investment opportunities, and challenges related to ESG investments.
At Invesco, we have been implementing ESG strategies for over 30 years. Each of our investment centers has a unique approach defined in their investment process as well as the respective asset class. We offer a variety of ESG implementation techniques which reflect clients’ diverse needs.