
Insurance: regulatory strategic news

Insurance: regulatory strategic news
The insurance sector remains under the regulatory microscope

In the context of the complex insurance regulatory environment, Elizabeth Gillam, Head of EU Government Relations and Public Policy at Invesco, gives her insight on the crucial topics impacting insurance companies.

The insurance sector remains under the regulatory microscope both in Europe and globally, with the following themes of particular interest to policymakers and insurers alike:

  1. Prudential rules for insurers under Solvency II. Already under review and with focus turning to how insurers can play a greater role in financing the economy. Could they finance sustainability and the transition to a low-carbon economy?
  2. Regulators concern about the risks posed by the sector. Including greater focus on the systemic risk arising from insurance activities as well as the risk from climate change
  3. The European Commission's review of conduct issues in the retail insurance market, particularly regarding the transparency of retail product costs

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