Invesco Global Income Fund
Focus Fund

Invesco Global Income Fund

A balanced fund with active asset allocation in search of income opportunities and capital growth globally

Important Information

    • The Fund invests primarily in a flexible allocation to debt securities and listed global equities.
    • Investors should note the dynamic asset allocation risk, emerging markets risk, risk of investing convertibles/convertible bonds/convertible debts, sovereign debt risk, volatility risk, risk associated with investments in debt instruments with loss-absorption features including senior non-preferred debts, contingent convertible bonds which are subject to the risk of being written down or converted to ordinary shares upon the occurrence of pre-defined trigger events and may result in a significant or total reduction in the value of such instruments, currency exchange risk, RMB currency and conversion risks of RMB hedged share classes, equities risk, credit rating risk, risks related to securities lending transactions, general investment risk, and investment in bonds or other fixed income securities is subject to (a) interest rate risk (b) credit risk (including default risk, downgrading risk and liquidity risk) and (c) risks relating to high yield bonds/non-investment grade bonds and/or un-rated bonds.
    • Financial derivative instruments (FDI) may be used for efficient portfolio management and hedging purpose and for investment purposes. Risks associated with FDI include counterparty/credit risk, liquidity risk, valuation risk, volatility risk and over-the-counter transaction risk. As a result of the use of FDI for investment purposes, investors should note the additional/high leverage risk.
    • For certain share class(es), the Fund may at discretion pay dividend out of the capital and/or effectively out of capital, which amounts to a return or withdrawal of part of an investor’s original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment. Any such distributions may result in an immediate reduction of the net asset value per share in respect of such share class after the monthly distribution date. (Note 1)
    • In addition, investors of Monthly Distribution-1 share class that are currency hedged (MD-1 hedged) should be aware of the uncertainty of relative interest rates. The net asset value of the MD-1 hedged may fluctuate and may significantly differ from other share class due to fluctuation of the interest rate differential between the currency in which the MD-1 hedged is denominated and the base currency of the Fund and may result in a greater erosion of capital than other non-hedged share class. (Note 2)
    • The value of the Fund can be volatile and could go down substantially.
    • Investors should not base their investment decision on this material alone.
    • The investment performances are denominated in EUR. US/HK dollar-based investors are therefore exposed to fluctuations in exchange rates.

Why Invesco Global Income Fund?

Source: Invesco as at 31 July 2024.
^Any reference to a ranking, a rating or an award provides no guarantee for future performance results and is not constant over time. Representative share class: Class A accumulation-EUR is Morningstar 4-star rated as of 31 July 2024.
#Diversification does not guarantee a profit or eliminate the risk of loss. There is no guarantee objectives will be met.

Active asset allocation
History of asset allocation in response to changing economic conditions
  • Dec 2019: Equity volatility fell while government bond volatility increased amid signs of easing US-China Trade War. Considering the attractive equity dividends and low bond yields, the fund had increased equity allocation from 35% to 43%.
  • Feb 2020: Trimmed equities as COVID took hold. Initially in favor of IG, then HY as bond markets offered attractive value underwritten by support measures.
  • Mar 2022: Reduced equity exposure in wake of Russia/Ukraine conflict. Increased credit exposure to overweight, mainly in IG.

Portfolio characteristics


Average holdings: 392

Fixed income

Source: Invesco as at 31 July 2024. Geographical weightings, sector weightings and portfolio holdings are subject to change without notice. The weightings for each breakdown are rounded to the nearest tenth or hundredth of a percent; therefore, the aggregate weights for each breakdown may not equal 100%.

Distribution information*

*Aims to pay dividend on monthly basis. Dividend is not guaranteed; For MD-1 shares, dividend may be paid out of capital. (Please refer to Note 1 and/or Note 2 of the "Important information")

  Intended frequency Record date Amount/Share Annualized dividend (%)

A (USD Hgd)-MD1 Shares





A (HKD Hgd)-MD1 Shares





A (AUD Hgd)-MD1 Shares





A (GBP Hgd)-MD1 Shares





A (RMB Hgd)-MD1 Shares





A (EUR)-MD1 Shares





Source: Invesco as at 31 July 2024.
Annualized dividend (%) = (Amount/Share X Frequency) ÷ Price on record date. Upon dividend distribution, the Fund's net asset value may fall on the ex-dividend date. For Frequency, Monthly = 12; Quarterly = 4; Semi-Annually = 2; Annually =1. All distributions below USD 50/EUR 50/AUD 50/HKD 400/RMB 400/GBP 40 will be automatically applied in the purchase of further shares of the same class. Positive distribution yield does not imply a positive return.