Fund Manager

Gwilym Satchell


Based in Henley-on-Thames, Gwilym joined the company in March 2013. He served as a Risk Manager for the Multi Asset team, prior to being promoted to the role of Fund Manager. 

Gwilym  commenced his career in 2008 at Standard Life Investments, where he was involved in Multi-Asset Investing risk management, in particular the development of scenario analysis techniques. In addition, he was responsible for managing a range of liability-driven investment (LDI) funds.

Gwilym holds the PRM™ designation which is an independent validation of skills and commitment to the highest standard of professionalism, integrity, and best practices within the risk management profession. 

He graduated from Warwick University in 2005 with a degree in Computer Science, and gained a Masters degree at the University of Edinburgh Business School in 2008.

Job title

Fund Manager

Commenced Invesco


Commenced investment industry





Invesco Multi Asset