Podcast ESG in Senior Secured Loans
Watch the podcast with Invesco’s Kevin Petrovcik & Glen Yelton. Hosted by Brian Levitt.
More and more of our clients are focused on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria for investments and have asked for ESG-managed bank loan portfolios.
As bank loans are private, only a small pool of the investable universe is rated by external ESG rating providers. In order to develop an ESG product that would work for its clients, Invesco has developed a proprietary framework for rating each issuer. Our collaborative approach to ESG helps investors to better understand Invesco’s ESG considerations. Invesco’s bank loans analysts have conducted extensive due diligence reviews and engagement with issuers’ management teams and have compiled proprietary ESG ratings on more than 700 issuers. In addition, Invesco’s bank loans team now works closely with other groups within Invesco on the further development of Invesco’s ESG framework and process.
Watch the podcast with Invesco’s Kevin Petrovcik & Glen Yelton. Hosted by Brian Levitt.
with Invesco's Kevin Petrovcik.
The Fund seeks to generate high current income while protecting capital and integrating ESG criteria (Environment, Social, Governance).
Satisfying climate-related goals without the resulting performance deviating too much from standard indices can be challenging. Learn how the EU Climate Transition Benchmark (CTB) offers a solid framework for ETF providers to customise solutions for investors’ needs.
Our experts in the Invesco investment teams weigh in on how sufficient investment capital and technical assistance for climate adaptation can empower project developers and developing countries to implement climate-resilient infrastructure
Discover how climate-conscious investors use Carbon Budget Divergence (CBD) and Implied Temperature Rise (ITR) to build Paris-aligned portfolios. Find out more