Factor Investing
We are leading practitioners when it comes to factor investing and have been managing factor-related strategies since 1983. Due to increases in computational power, factor investing is having its momentum run.
Factor investing can be a way for investors to reach their investment goals through understanding the building blocks of their portfolio. It represents a fundamental shift in investment management through increased transparency.
Factors - such as value, size, volatility, dividend yield, quality and momentum - are quantifiable characteristics of a financial asset that meaningfully explain its risk-return profile.
Why factor investing?
Factor-based strategies systematically apply evidence-based research to help achieve outcomes. Factors explain risk and return, allowing for greater granularity and customization.
What's new in factor investing?
Focused on knowledge transfer, our investment professionals regularly produce content to share our experience and the latest research.

2024 Invesco Global Systematic Investing Study
This year’s study continues to provide valuable insights into the rapidly evolving landscape of systematic investing, chronicling the latest innovations and how practitioners globally are leveraging advanced quantitative techniques across asset classes.
Investment Insights
Expert voices from within Invesco and partnering affiliates share their views on trends, and current and upcoming investment opportunities.
How can we help?
Gain investment clarity in Asia Pacific through our research, specialized insights, and thought leadership.